Ever get a new tv and have worse picture?

I mean when you get a 28 inch one to replace the 26 inch one and the picture isn’t crisp anymore, for HD. Why is a new tv not as good?

The cable company just told me that the signal was fine, and I was welcome to try another tv if I wanted.

How are you connecting your set-top box to the TV? You should be using an HDMI cable. If you are relying on composite analog connections the larger screen will make low-resolution artifacts more evident.

I am using a coax (?) cable, its white with a wire down the middle. There is one more connector for the HD, just those two.

The cable box does not provide HD output on coax. You definitely want to get an HDMI cable. The cable company may give you one for free if you ask, or you can get them from Amazon or other online retailers for a low price. Best Buy et al. charge much more than is necessary.

I’m not exactly sure what that means, but google or read the manual for your specific model and find out how to turn off “Soap Opera Effect”. It goes by a handful of different names, often something involving the word “motion” (ie motion smoothing). Having that turned on will make every thing awful looking. I know I’m not the only person that almost returned a new TV before I learned about it.

I agree with Cleophus. If you are using a coax cable from the cable box to the TV you are not getting HDTV. I am surprised there is even a coax connector on your cable box. Mine has coax from the wall but HDMI to the TV. If I wanted to use a TV that is not HDMI capable I would have to ask for a different cable box.

BTW just because a 28" TV is newer than a 26" TV doesn’t mean it is a better TV.

There is a type of cable associated with cable tv, and it’s white and has a tiny wire sticking out of the end. There is another cable with computer type male end which is called HDMI “out to tv”.

I went through the set up on “picture” and did all the options. I didn’t see any settings for motion. It still looks like crap. The guide, the chyrons are all less crisp. Faces lack lips. This is not HD. If it is I’m going to cut the cord and try to get news stations on the computer.

So it’s been more than a year since you started a thread asking why you’re getting a lousy picture on your TV, in which you revealed you were connecting it with coax and multiple people told you you need to use an HDMI cable, and you still haven’t done it?

I know, just relating what I did. I had the slight suspicion that the size could be a problem though. Until I find out it’s not I have to keep an open mind. Scientific method and all that.

Why would comcast set me up with equipment that isn’t supposed to work?

Are you familiar with the cable? It’s white and has a wire in it. Now what about the other one, the HDMI? I’d like to be on the same page, cause I’m confused.

I adjusted to the new tv last year. But I just bought a new one to replace it. It seems to me that the picture is a real problem.

Have you read my previous posts? I have an HDMI.

Connect the cable box to the TV with the HDMI cable only. Detach the coax from the TV if it is connected. Coax should only go from the wall to the cable box. You should see a picture when the TV input is set to HDMI.

Second is to make sure you are subscribing to an HD cable package. If your cable subscription is only a standard def package you will not see an HD image no matter how you connect the cable box and TV.

Third is to check the cable box settings to ensure the output is set to HD. This is the Comcast instructions for doing so. Go to the bottom where it says Using HDMI Connection. Set it to 720p or 1080p and 16:9 screen ratio. Disable any zoom or stretch settings on the TV. You may need to contact customer support for information if you can’t find these settings on the cable box.

If you continue to have trouble with all of this, then there is something really strange going on and you will need to have someone come out in person and look at your setup. Tell Comcast you are having problems with getting HD service and want a technician to come out.

Huh? You just said in post #3 you were using coaxial.

Here, this is what a coaxial connector looks like:

This is what an HDMI connector looks like:

Which one are you using to connect your cable box to your TV? Because it should be HDMI.

You admitted in the previous thread that you find tech stuff gobbledygook. I think that’s the fundamental problem. If not only are you not familiar with these terms, but when people try to explain them to you, the concepts are ones you can’t really wrap your head around, strangers on a message board aren’t going to be able to help you over the internet. You need someone knowledgeable in these matters who can come over to your place and fix these things for you.

The simplest thing may be to bite the bullet, call Comcast and schedule a service call. Their technician will connect the TV and the cable box correctly and tweak the picture settings. This will cost you a few bucks, but it may be best.

On the other hand, you should get a more-than-decent picture by just connecting the two with an HDMI cable, widely available for under ten bucks.

Since the OP is a bit unfamiliar with the technical side of things, I’m going to guess that he might have both a coax and an HDMI cable connected to the TV, but has the input of the TV set to coax, and not HDMI. drad dog have you used to TV control to set the input to the HDMI source? If your TV has multiple HDMI input (HDMI 1, HDMI 2, etc.) you’ll select the one that your HDMI cable is connected to (they are labeled on the back of the TV).

Once you have the right input selected, if the picture still looks off, check the resolution on your TV settings. There should be a setting called ‘resolution’ or something like that. You’ll want to pick 720p, 1080i, or 1080p to get an HD picture.

It doesn’t sound like this is the OP’s problem, but some old movies don’t do well in HD. The first thing we watched on my new TV was “The Sounds of Music” which looked horrible no matter what I did to the settings–at times it looked hard and “video,” other times out of focus. I was furious and thought about getting ANOTHER new TV. Turned it was the print, or the transfer–never had similar problems again.

My suggestion, or at least it used to be my suggestion when people first started getting HD TVs was to watch a baseball or football game.

Yeah, that is an issue, sometimes the TV set itself will fight the cable box with regards to what it does with the signal coming in. Today TVs and cable boxes have a whole passel of settings and configurations to handle the signals being fed in from the stations, which unlike in the pre-digital TV age, no longer come all in the same format.

You are absolutely correct. Cable co came over today it was the coax being connected that did it.

Has the HDMI cable been bought yet?

Based on drad dog’s posts, I’m surmising that Dag Otto was correct, that the problem was that he had the TV connected to the cable box with both coax and HDMI, and the TV was for some reason giving preference to the coax input.