I’ve got to where I think is near the end of ‘Dead Space’ for the PC without knowing that you could stomp on those boxes that are lying around everywhere to get ammo and things. I found out by watching a youtube video of someone else playing the game.
‘So that’s what they’re for!’. I’d assumed they were just part of the scenery, or would be ‘unlocked’ at a later point in the game. Now I think of all the missed sale opportunities throughout this game (even without knowing about this I tended to have more stuff than I need and could fit in my inventory, so I had to do a lot of selling to a) free room to pick up more stuff to sell and b) buy those things for upgrading my weapons)
Not quite as problematic as yours, but I didn’t understand and use the whistle in World of Goo I was always scrolling the screen trying to find goo balls instead. (The whistle calls them to the pointer.)
Way back I borrowed Mega Man for the NES from a friend and played it not knowing that when you defeat a boss, you can use his weaponry. Knowing that would have been handy.
This isn’t myself, but a friend of mine played through the entire SNES Mario Kart, including winning the 150cc special cup, without knowing about power turns.
My friend and I played through Diablo 2 (or was it Titan Quest? one of those) without realizing how the weapon upgrades worked. Apparently you could only upgrade gray colored weapons. But since we were ex-WoW players, we didn’t bother picking up anything gray because in WoW those are all the worthless vendor-trash items.
Figured out the upgrade thing after lugging around tons of upgrade items for most of the game, getting to the expansion pack, and realizing we had yet to find a use for them.
I recently played jade Empire. In addition to being a mediocre game I didn’t finish… they fail to friggin tell how to use the focus mode or the Chi Strike mode.
I got through 75% of Far Cry 2 before I realized you can hit one button to just slide from the drivers seat to the machine gun in the armed truck. I kept jumping out and running around to the back and getting back in. Ambushes got a lot easier after that.
I played Cyanide’s Blood Bowl for a long time before moving on. The recent thread made me pick it back up and I just learned that pressing the H (or was it G ?) key displays the tackle zones of every opposing player, as well as the grid.
… that would have been handy to know before :mad:
I played Super Mario World forever without learning how to use the cape properly. I would just run, jump, and hover (after trying to repeatedly hit jump, which worked in Super Mario 3)
Someone on this board once posted that they didn’t know about the flags in Minesweeper. They thought you were supposed to leave all the mine spaces untouched and then when you’ve eliminated all the safe spaces, they all get revealed.
After reading that, I tried playing that way. It is possible but it’s a lot more difficult than playing with the flags.
I did that in reverse, I started playing with flags, then realised I didn’t really need them to win and was twice as fast without them.
About games I played for a while without knowing about something, in WoW it never occurred to me to use the auction house to sell stuff, and I never picked up grey items. Because of this I had huge money problems, and couldn’t even afford to buy all my spells.
I also didn’t really use the quest tracker for my first month or two of play. So I refused to take on more than one quest at a time.
I played through Mechcommander like 20 times before I somewhat accidentally learned that the best weapon (long range missile racks) is horrible for salvaging mechs. After switching to the crappier, high damage weps, I salvaged more mechs than I could use.
I played a large chunk of Fallout 3 before I found out you could turn on the light on your Pip-Boy. Kind of made searching through dark caves or buildings and underwater areas (or, about 75% of Fallout 3) a little easier. :smack:
I played through all of Shadow of the Colossus without knowing that you could improve your health and grip bars by killing snakes and knocking fruit out of trees or whatever the heck the completely irrational unexplained and unintuitive method is.
Needless to say, discovering this did nothing for my opinion of the game.