Ever Seen a Celebrity Take a Pee ?

I peed and dumped a number of times next to JFK Jr. back in his “George” magazine days.

One day while we were both squatting, it actually occurred to me that if I went in afterwards and scooped up a floater, I could no doubt sell it on ebay for lots of money.

I once peed next to Joe Gibbs at a Ruby Tuesday’s in Fredericksburg, VA when he was still coaching the 'skins. I was drunk and said something like “go hogs,” he quickly went about his business and left.

I used a urinal adjacent to one being used by either Steve Van Buren or Norm Van Brocklin of the Philadelphia Eagles championship team (I can’t remember which one it was). Being a big eagles fan I wanted to say something, but he looked a scary old man, so I kept my mouth shut.

Robert Duvall at the Peabody in Memphis, me on the left and him on the right. I 'bout shat my shorts.

Tried to pick up his bar tab later but someone had already paid it.

Gee whiz.

Back when I worked in a department store, I had a leak with Santa Claus.

I’ve peed next to Robert DeNiro in a Cleveland hotel bathroom.

So the next obvious question, did he wash his hands? I must know before I ever buy another bottle of his marinade. :eek:

I’ve taken a leak next to the following people:

Former VA Governor and former United States Senator Charles S. Robb

Former VA Governor Gerald L. Baliles

Former Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court Lewis Powell

John Cusak

Malcolm MacDowall - One urinal over in a movie theatre bathroom in Santa Barbara.

I once set off Patrick Stewart’s car alarm, and left a crank message on his answering machine (I worked for a non-profit that he was on the board of). At a reception, I waited in line for the bathroom and he was nearby, but that’s about as close to peeing as I’ve seen him.

I also clumsily ran into Chris Rock at the Emmys (I was working in the photography room and he was standing directly outside the door to the reception area holding his two emmys for something or other). Again, however, no peeing.

I was in the restroom during a taping of Frasier and Kelsey Grammer came up to the next urinal as I was leaving, so I almost did.

In Austin there’s a store called Texas Discount Furniture that used to have these commercials where this guy would yell, “We’ll save you money!” while throwing handfuls of cash at the camera. Once I went in the men’s room at the Horseshoe Lounge and that guy was in there taking a leak.

I took a leak next to Dennis Rodman at Crobar in Chicago once. That was truly startling since I didn’t see him walk up (I was paying attention to my aim for the moment). When I looked over I was staring at a heavily tatooed arm attached to a VERY large man (body size…I didn’t get a look at his Johnson nor did I try). Once I looked up (and up and up) I realized right away who I was looking at (I’m a Bull’s fan and he was playing for the Bulls at the time…he is also a decidedly unique looking human being and kinda hard to miss or mistake). Unfortunately, both of us being a bit occupied at the time, I couldn’t think of anything to reasonably say so that was the extent of my encounter.

If ever there was a thread suited for Cafe Society…:slight_smile:

See you there!

Heard Slash of Guns and Roses throw up what may have been 6 bottles of Jack Daniels at the Rainbow Room

Gwen Stefani pinched my ass and caused me to bonk my head. I was hooking up their speakers at the now defunct Bogarts.

And I once stole Jason Thirsk’s (the late Bass player of Pennywise RIP) side of curry potato at a Long Beach health food restaurant while sitting with him. He called me “Second Hand Potato Man” from then on. A nice guy and I miss him.
Heard takin a pee various places:

Jon Stewart (short guy…had to use the kiddie pisser)
Stephen Baldwin (walked up…cracked neck…and sounded like he opened up a firehose…full 3 minutes solid DOOOOOOSH)

can’t remember anyone else

I’m not a guy, but I have a “next to a celeb” story too – in a rather famous and posh NYC restaurant, the woman in the stall next to mine asked if I had a ‘square to spare’ for her. As soon as I heard her speak, I was almost positive who she was, but I kept my cool, passed a handful of tissue under the wall, finished up, and managed to meet the one and only Tina Turner at the sinks as we both washed our hands. She looked kinda peeved and turned to me and said “You’d think a place with a $30 shrimp cocktail on the menu could manage to keep the stalls stocked, wouldn’t you?” All I could do was smile and nod, and as she left I said “I’m glad I could help you out!” like a buffoon and she just smiled and waved.

Is it just me, or does the phrase “scoop up a floater” sound like a very short biography of JFK Jr.?

beating a hasty exit

Celebriies pee?!?!!? :eek:

Olentzero, that was so wrong, but so funny.

I pee’d next to Gabriel Byrne. We then shared a heineken that he smuggled into the wedding. (Wedding only had wine and champaign).

Turns out his publicist is from the area and was the groom’s cousin so he tagged along.

I’m Irish too so don’t bother asking me if I checked out his size. I already know the answer.

Ya I peed in a stall that was in the middle of two other stalls that were occupied by these celebs: ariana grande and Selena gomez. I knew because when I came out Selena gomez and ariana grande came out, and I stared into their beautiful gleaming eyes. Hey @arianajorge, nice story I believe u cuz I asked her when I saw her.

I believe u:)