Every snooze button grants 9 minutes... Why?

Mine is 7 minutes too. It’s very old. At least 20 years.

okay, now I need to test the snooze button on my cd player alarm clock

Not right now, because I need to get to work soon. Somebody remind me?


Sure, I’ll let you know in 9 minutes.

This is the alarm clock for compulsive snoozer-button pushers.

I have pondered on this question, and I think the reason is close to one of those that Cecil discarded:

Well, I don’t know how digital clocks work, but it seems logical that, if you hit the snooze button while the time is reading XX:Xa, with a nine-minute snooze, the clock can ignore all the X digits of the time, and simply trigger when the final digit reaches (a-1). Nine minutes is the longest interval that can be timed this way, assuming the clock “checks” each second/cycle/whatever. If the clock checked for the final digit to equal a itself (i.e. a 10 minute interval) then more complex checks would be needed to stop the alarming re-triggering as soon as you hit the snooze button, while the time was still XX:Xa.

However, as I don’t have an alarm clock to hand, I can’t test this. Can anyone test this: if you hit the snooze button at, say, 7:35 and 25 seconds, does the alarm sound again at 7:44 and 25 seconds, or at 7:44 precisely? If the former, then it’s clearly just a nine-minute timer, but if the latter then my theory might have something to it.

Ah but does it have the most important feature…an on/off button for the alarm that I can’t find in my sleep! (When I lived alone, I just superglued the alarm button to ON, but roommates get annoyed about that.)

I’m still looking. I’ll keep the gradual alarm in mind, that sounds pretty good.

“Snooze buttons” are for moral degenerates, who in their sloth (they will never amount to anything anyway) and stupor can’t even get out of bed on time. /s

I had a room-mate once, though, who set his alarm for 2:30, say, and hit the snooze button until 6 or so. Completely nuts.

So, I have this special ability: Regardless of my ability (or lack therof) to figure out how to use an alarm clock when I’m awake, I can turn any alarm clock off in less than 10 seconds in my sleep. :rolleyes:

I’ve even heard about people hitting the damned button in their sleep (I think I’ve done so
myself a few times)…

Last time I flew on an airliner, I was flipping through the little magazine they give you, and this guy was reviewing an alarm clock that came equipped with a pair of knobby wheels. When the alarm went off, the wheels started spinning, and you’d have to go catch it to turn it off. He said the only downside was that the clock could only survive being thrown angrily into a wall a couple of times before it broke.

Actually, I think there is an alarm clock that you snooze by throwing it at a wall (the flip side being that the next time it goes off, you have to figure out where it rolled to after it hit the wall)

This is the alarm for the hard to rouse. No bloody snooze button here.

That’s Clocky the brainchild of an MIT student. It’s actualy in production now and, according to the website, will be available this November! I’m sorely tempted to try one…

Well if it’s the same model I have, and sounds like it is, that’s the only downside, the OFF button is right next to the SNOOZE button. All these great features and one humongous design flaw! :smack:

I know on my alarm clock, it’s the latter. The radio comes back on right when the minute changes, never part way between minutes.

Yow! No can do, no way, no how.

I think I may have looked at that one and DQd it for just that reason. It looked good, except for that major problem.

I hope that thing is built to last . . . I think almost any groggy and pissed off recipient of that alarm would rather break the thing rather than go to the trouble of finding the pin. Or just throw it out the window.