Everybody wants to be my friend on MySpace!

Facebook was better than MySpace when it was only for college students. Now that it’s open to everyone, it’s just a lame wannabe.

You know, I’m a young whippersnapper and I don’t get it, either. :dubious: It doesn’t make any freakin’ sense to me. I only added Diosa after we talked a bunch on AIM and I felt I could consider her a friend - I’m so weird about friending people on Myspace. And I don’t even LIKE Myspace.

I’ve been getting that a lot lately, too. :confused:


Can I be on your lawn? I’m your friend. Hell, I’m damn near related to you, considering our little arranged baby marriage for stealing Britney Spears’ money scheme.

I also bake cookies. Damn good cookies.

I keep getting spam thingies through my snotmail account about MySpace…as if I’ve got time for that kind of idiocy, I’m far too busy reading the Dope and organising my social life!

Aw, of course you can be on my lawn! You even made it through my rigorous screening process on MySpace, remember? I think it went something like “Who the hell is…oh, is that Diosa? My, she’s scrumptious! Well, I don’t really know her, but I kinda sorta know her. I probably know more ABOUT her than half of her roomates…oh, what the hey. If she spams me, I’ll ridicule her publicly in MPSIMS… mwah ha ha ha ha!” Very rigorous.

Hey, where are you going with those cookies? :smiley:

My account is on the “musician” portion of MySpace, so I don’t get all that much spam, and not a lot of people wanting to be my friend, for that matter.