Everyone feel the shit I've sprayed on them?

Golly gee no. I’m glad to see that you’ve continued to handle this in a mature and reasonable fashion.

Come on Harborwolf, calling me immature is pretty lame. If googling my username is still just too painful for the admins they can just say so.

Lame schmame. That has the look and feel of a dig. It’s a sign of laziness. Rather than argue the point usefully and try to enact change, you’ve decided to take a shot.

Well, it doesn’t matter. They quietly deleted it and refuse to comment publicly. Oh yeah, I’m the immature one.

Except for the emails that they sent you…and the post in this thread. Truly their silence is mysterious and loud.

Don’t get lame again. bup, johnbckwld, sunfish, saoirse and xploder have made specific points and questions. You really think that one warning to me at the beginning of the thread is all that’s required here?

I’m leaving my homepage blank. What more do I have to do to prove to you that I’m all growed the fuck up?

Jesus fuck man, quit yer whining!

no u


Something like that:

Trying to do a run around by posting them on your site instead of here, huh?

No brainiac. Almost my entire site was written by that time and it was already my homepage. And guess what? Posting a link is different than leaving something in your user profile. If you don’t understand that then u r dum.

A link in your profile is still a link.

You may not ask a favor, and then proceed to disingenuously refer to what I have to say as nonsense. But thank you very much for the pretense of civility.

I prefer to treat this as the silliness it is, and not a serious exploration of the limits of various board rules. May I ask you the favor of not indulging such a clumsy attempt at playing the persecuted martyr?

I’m no fan of the snark boards, but “a run around?” “Run around” doesn’t even have any meaning in this context. The snark board is his site. It has nothing to do with this site, despite the fact that the material is a commentary ON this site. It shouldn’t even be a question.

To be fair, the snark board isn’t the site in question, it’s a page where he’s compiled profiles on various Dopers and past trainwrecks. Of course, it seems to exist for the purpose of being a reference Bible FOR the snark sites, IIRC.

Have you blown a nut, Waverly? How the fuck is harborwolf playing martyr. She’s telling you drop your lame fucking schtick. Seriously, telling everyone that I’m “flaming out” is pretty fucking close to say “he’s just trolling”. So shut the fuck up already.

And Lute, I guess you are declaring u r dum with that comment. People click links they see posted, some guys do it on automatic. Clicking on my homepage link is done to see what I like or what what I am like. Almost nobody does it. The links position makes a difference, I thought. Clearly not different enough so I had to remove it.

Clearly posting something like retroraunch as your homepage is cool. I really wonder why.

Sorry Harborwolf, “He’s telling you”. Darn faceless internet.

I wasn’t attempting to play the persecuted martyr. I was attempting to keep the discussion civil. I can see where that would be an odd request seeing as how this is the pit and all. Still, I like to make an attempt.

And as I said, calling attention to a potential flame out is simply giving the person the attention that they crave. I’d rather not do that.

CarnalK, your behavior undercut the points that people were making on your behalf and my attempts to keep the discussion on the nicey nice. I’m not looking for for you to show that you are all growed the fuck up. I want you to make a rational case as to why your link shouldn’t be viewed as muckraking other than “other peoples homepages are bad too.”

TPTB want us to be distanced from the snark board and I read their warning to CarnalK as being a little too close for comfort.

Would you and Xploder mind getting your stories straight?
