So our itty-bitty-in-the-city patch of grass behind the house is being marauded by squirrels. Every day there are 2-3 new “holes” where a golf ball sized chunk of dirt and grass has been dug up. They are doing a nice job of aerating the soil, but at the expenses of the ripped up grass that promptly dies off and leaves ever-increasing dead patches in the lawn. They’re also digging up the potted geraniums we just put out back. I was trying to do some research on the web on how to stop this and came across a few references suggesting the spreading of blood meal or cayenne pepper on the lawn. Anyone ever try this? What were the results? Any other suggestions?
Too bad they’re squirrels. If you were being bothered by moles or gophers, I had a solution for you…
mmmm…fried squirrel…
Are these ground squirrels or chipmunks? Varmit hunting is fun, in town you can use a pellet gun(maybe).
I’d say give the squirrels some nuts to eat and some water. What’s so bad about having animals in the garden? Shesh!
Cause they are horrible, nasty, flea-ridden, tick-infested vermin, that’s what’s so bad about them. They will also find their way into your attic, and then they will invite their entire clan to move in with them. I wish there were a bounty on the bushy tailed rats.
These will take care of the problem.
Tried it, works, but can disgruntle the neighbors.
Well I like the idea of BB guns and slingshots, and would certainly not be beyond blowing the little varmints to kingdom come with that portable propane bombmaking device, but the problem with all these solutions is they require me to actively hunt down the little buggers. Not that it wouldn’t be fun, but I’ve got a job to go to and can’t spend my days in a Caddyshack-inspired war against the neighborhood rodents. I was hoping for a more… ummm… to borrow a Popielism “Set it and forget it” type solution.
Someone over lunch suggested that “large mammal urine” scattered around the yard would frighten ‘em away. Y’all ever hear of that one?
Proven tools for chronic problems:
Gotta get yourself one of these.
Been there, done that.
These little bastiches are TOUGH to get rid of. Be grateful they are not in your attic yet. Keep checking under your eaves, and make sure they do not take up residence.
I did investigate using the urine of a predator (I used red fox)… the problem is that you are in a city environment. These squirrels have probably never seen a predator, and will simply look at one another and ask, “What’s that funny smell?”
Do you know how many of them there are? You can sometimes get animal control to place live traps for you, or you can place your own, and transport them FAR away (at least 10 miles).
Don’t get me wrong, I have no objections at all to blasting the little creatures of satan to kingdom come. But the kinder, gentler crowd prefers the live trap approach, and it has the added advantage that it is legal within the city limits.
Are you sure these aren’t Evil Nazi squirrels? 'Cuz if they are, I might know of someone who could help.
paging Scylla, please pick up the white courtesy phone…
Unfortunately the usual high-tech solutions (kilowatt ultrasound, very small electric fences) also tend to eliminate kittens and neighborhood children.
A plate of beer works well on slugs. So, for squirrels you’ll need a large, really DEEP plate of beer.
Too bad we don’t all live a mile deep underwater. In that case a vacuum pump with a small intake orfice is all you need. Squirrel steps on orfice and CRUMP!, squirrel is extruded as long spaghetti inside vacuum chamber. See:
CRAB VERSUS PIPE (esworp blog)