
can anybody prove that evolution is true? This “theory” sounds so fake to me I think it would be much easier just to believe in God.


Can anyone prove the existence of God? The whole idea of a guy up in the sky who nobody can see sounds so fake to me that it’s easier to believe in the theory of evolution, which has the weight of scientific evidence behind it.

Anyone care to take a pool to guess how long before this is moved to GD? I say by 1:00 this afternoon.

I don’t know how to prove the existance of God. You mentioned that evolution has the weight of the evidence behind it. What evidence? This is what I’m talking about. I’ve never seen any evidence to prove evolution, or atleast macro-evolution. Micro-evolution (the evolving within species like German Shepherd to Collie) I can see for my own eyes. There’s proof. But with Macro-evolution (the evolving between species. like dog to cat) I haven’t seen any proof. In fact, I’ve seen a lot more proof against evolution thatn for it. Can you provide with a some actual proof for evolution? Please help! I’d really like to know the answer to this question!

Okay you two, take in on over to Great Debates:

Evidence for Creationism - 3D

Creationism Questions

Creationists: Strut Your Stuff

One more:

Evolution vs. Creation

Just to set you straight on one point, Xemion, cats did not evolve from dogs.

Woo, I get to answer this before it gets kicked over to GD.

Xemion, you should take a look at http://www.talkorigins.org Its a website devoted to basically explaining evolution and answering arguments against it.

You should check out the FAQs, and especially the speciation FAQ which gives some examples of observed evolution of new species.

Then come back to this thread once its in GD, and I’m sure the folks there will be more than willing to respond to any objections of yours. :slight_smile:

Of course not. Cats made us to worship them and serve their whims. I know this for a fact, my cat told me so. :slight_smile:

<MEOW!> Coming O’ Exhalted One!


Something I once saw in somebody’s sig:

Dog: They feed me, love me, and take care of me. They must be gods.

Cat: They feed me, love me, and take care of me. I must be a god.


Birth. School. Work. Death.

Just one point before this redundant and misplaced thread gets closed.

Xemion, have you ever read one book about Evolutionary Biology, or made an honest effort to understand the theory you are so quick to denounce. There are lots of popular books out there accessable to the reasonably educated layman. It’s not really something that can be summed up in a post or two. Suffice it to say that the Theory of Evolution is one of the most well established theories of science. I am getting tired of Creationists who will not take the time to figure out what exactly it is that they are denouncing.

Perked Ears indicate curiosity - Know Your Cat

Perhaps the Teeming Millions can recommend to this gentleman some good basic books on Evolution? It’s not a particular interest of mine, so I don’t know what’s good in this area.

No matter where you go, there you are.


Please look into Cretaceous forminifera. Choose any three species that are generally interpreted to be an ancestor/descendent line. Critique the standard interpretation, specifically showing why these series do not qualify as “macroevolution”.

For bonus points, please give the definition of “macroevolution” as used by biologists.

Dr. Fidelius, Charlatan
Associate Curator Anomalous Paleontology, Miskatonic University
“You cannot reason a man out of a position he did not reach through reason.”

“The Selfish Gene” is a good book, but only has partial overlap with your question. Here is a link at Amazon.

Also, the link provided by Hunseker above has tons of good text, links, and book references.

I was just thinking…cats have short ears and long tails while rabbits have long ears and short tails. So mabye in the past there was an animal with medium ears and tail <prehistoric “cat bunny”>, and the creature over time evolved into two animals (the cat and bunny). OOk, this may be lame but i’ve had a few beers. Hehe.

If at first you don’t succeed you’re about average.

Well, it’s like this:

A long time ago, a great ooze mysteriously appeared on the face of the earth (never mind asking where the earth came from because that will not be allowed in a scientific discussion). Then, after a long time, everything spontaneously sprang to life (great minds know this as ‘abiogenesis’). Then, after another really long time, the elementary life forms turned into great apes, and bada-bang, bada-boom, here we are! All this happened on its own, without any outside interference whatsoever.

Yep. I learned a lot from that thread.


They’re called Cabbits, dammit!

(OT: Did Unka Cece ever deal with Cabbits, or am I imagining things? Since I can’t find it on the search using ‘cat’ ‘rabbit’ ‘cat and rabbit’ or ‘cabbit’, I suspect ‘imagining things’, but, dammit, I’m sure I remember reading a SD column on it!)

Eschew Obfuscation

Ugh… that was just a low shot, CalifBoomer… and this?

Stepping into astronomy for the first time? Why don’t you start a new thread and see where that line of reasoning is going to get you… :rolleyes:

Excuse me, Anti-Cecil, (I mean, CalifBoomer,) I believe the OP asked for evidence explaining evolution not non-factual rhetoric.

I always try to do things in chronological order.

I hate UBB code…

I always try to do things in chronological order.