ewoks vrs storm troopers! really

dont get me wrong i love star wars, but when fuzy little munchkins beat the stuffing out of storm troopers… sigh :smack: :smack:

Hey, Ewoks rule!

Yub Yub!

A friend of mine has said that for years he thought the Ewoks were chanting “lug nuts,” and he pictured a triumphant Ewok standing over a collapsed Imperial Walker singing “Lug nuts, we got yer lug nuts…”

Cafe Society.

I remember a quote from George Lucas while filming the original SW: “I’ve got fifty storm troopers shooting a three people from ten feet away, and nobody ever gets hurt. Who’s gonna believe this shit?”

Ewoks, in a cakewalk.




Actually if you watch the Endor battle scenes in Return of the Jedi- It’s nothing but Ewok Slaughter until Chewie comandeers the
After the initial Ewok ambush which provides the heroes and the rebel commandos the oppurtunity to get to their weapons, you see the Imperials chase the ewoks into the forest. You see ewoks getting blasted left and right. Their traps don’t work. Ewok gliders getting shot out of the sky. My personal favorite is the Stormtrooper hip-tossing one of the little guys.
But then Chewbacca and the two ewoks take over a Scout Walker and throw some real fire power at the Imperials. It’s that which actually leads to the Empire’s defeat… The Ewoks get a major assist but when all is said and done it’s the heroes.

Personally, I was okay with the little things until Lt. Kettch came along. I mean, you expect me to buy th…

Sorry. Nevermind.


[sub]Yub yub, Commander.[/sub]

I think it’s the primitive technology factor. The Imperials were prepared to face just about any kind of firepower the Rebels could throw at them. They had a mind set of fighting high-tech firepower with high-tech firepower.

They hadn’t figured on vines strung across paths, suspended logs being swung at the AT-ST’s, more logs being rolled into the paths of the AT-ST’s. And those speeder bikes?

All of which would be quite effective, considering the AT-ST’s have a fairly high center of gravity, rendering them easily unbalanced and knocked over. And the speeder bikes? Forget about it. They have no center of gravity- again with the vines… Add to that the psychological impact of the Empire’s crack troops of seeing their “superior” weapons literally being knocked out by sticks and stones, and while they’re watching the AT-ST fall down, going “What the fuck?”, they are hit by a barrage of stones launched by slings. Which wouldn’t kill the stormtroopers who were protected by armor, but it would make it a helluvalot more difficult for them to fight. Even if you know the rock can’t damage you through your helmet, you still have that instinctive reflex to protect your head.

But I think the main factor in the Ewok victory was psychological. The Imperials simply weren’t expecting a fight, and when the Ewoks did start putting up a resistance, they probably thought, “Aww, the teddybears are fighting. Ain’t that cute”. They didn’t figure on them being fierce, skilled warriors. And in the end, the battle was won by trickery anyway.

I think it’s the primitive technology factor. The Imperials were prepared to face just about any kind of firepower the Rebels could throw at them. They had a mind set of fighting high-tech firepower with high-tech firepower.

They hadn’t figured on vines strung across paths, suspended logs being swung at the AT-ST’s, more logs being rolled into the paths of the AT-ST’s. And those speeder bikes?

All of which would be quite effective, considering the AT-ST’s have a fairly high center of gravity, rendering them easily unbalanced and knocked over. And the speeder bikes? Forget about it. They have no center of gravity- again with the vines… Add to that the psychological impact of the Empire’s crack troops of seeing their “superior” weapons literally being knocked out by sticks and stones, and while they’re watching the AT-ST fall down, going “What the fuck?”, they are hit by a barrage of stones launched by slings. Which wouldn’t kill the stormtroopers who were protected by armor, but it would make it a helluvalot more difficult for them to fight. Even if you know the rock can’t damage you through your helmet, you still have that instinctive reflex to protect your head.

But I think the main factor in the Ewok victory was psychological. The Imperials simply weren’t expecting a fight, and when the Ewoks did start putting up a resistance, they probably thought, “Aww, the teddybears are fighting. Ain’t that cute”. They didn’t figure on them being fierce, skilled warriors. And in the end, the battle was won by trickery anyway.

Yay, another X-Wing fan!

Well, it’s not like the stormtroopers have incredibly tough armor, either. One of those guys takes one blast from a Rebel laser, and that’s it, he’s dead.

Leia, on the other hand, takes a direct hit on her arm and she goes “ow” and keeps fighting.

Ah ah ah! She took a glancing shot to the arm. Character shields. Stormtroopers are trained by the Imperials under the auspices of the suspoiciously named “Lucasfilm military training”…) not to kill the important people.

In fact, it seems that Leia’s the only one that stormtroopers can hit, stun setting or not. Well, 3PO gets blasted but, hey, can you blame them for it, really? And besides, the one who disassembled him was seemingly the only stormtrooper with a ‘unique’ voice, so maybe he had special training?

[Complete and Utter Highjack]
Guin: You own any of those small glass lamps that you use with the colored parrafin and suspended wicks? I ask only 'cause I laid my copy of X-Wing: Rogue Squadron down on the dresser t’other night so that, unbeknownst to me, a page was touching said wick. Next morning, the first 30 or so pages had sucked the wax up through the wick and turned themselves into onionskin. These lamps apprently do not like my choice of reading material. Eschew them if possible, sez I.
[/Complete and Utter Highjack]