ex-b/f did Herion

I see SadKorny is practicing how to register new screen names.

Oh well, they’ll both be relegated to the “deleted” file soon.

Pity. They (he) might have learned something.

Daniel, surely you’re not implying that these gentlemen bear the slightest resemblance to Lord Byron?

I haven’t lost my virginity. I remember exactly where I left it.

ok register new screenames? r u a moron? this is the only one i have u stupid shmuck

“I don’t f*cking care anymore”-Reel Big Fish


I’ve only been on this MB, and I was never on AOL’s message board. I’ve been wondering what this Loverock guy was really like, and how it was like when he was around.
I hate it.

JMcC, San Francisco, JJM’s page from the Bay
Q. What did Bill Gates’ wife say on their honeymoon?
A. Microsoft, huh? No kidding.

you guys are really weird. is it honestly that much fun to attack someone who wanted to share their pain with other people who might be able to help them? grow up. so she wrote “HERION” instead of “HEROIN” or posted in the wrong board. some way to treat newbies.

“I am diagonally parked in a parallel universe.”

Attack? Please.

That was polite advice with sardonic overtones. We know that attacks belong in the PIT.

The best lack all conviction
The worst are full of passionate intensity.

Man this thread is a headache and a half!
Roughly 50% of the posts (including the OP) were semi-nonsensical, and the ones that did make sense either pointed out spelling errors or suggested the post belonged on MPSIMS.

I estimate the author of the OP is 15-16 years old and obviously hanging with the wrong crowd.

First of all, Samara (is that your name?), you can’t expect someone to just “quit for you.” ESPECIALLY not heroin! It’s one of the most addictive substances known to mankind and odds are your ex-boyfriend will not live past 40.

Frankly, you should be glad to be rid of him. The relationship would have ended anyway, so the less emotional scarring you incur, the better. Not to mention the fact that sex with an IV drug user puts you at a very high risk of acquiring AIDS.

FACTOID - 98% of people who quit heroin are using again within a year.

Once you go down that path, you are NOT coming back …


I just gave SaDkOrNyGuY a serious reply, so I might as well give you one too.

Quit hanging around with this friend of yours who’s now dating your ex-boyfriend. No good can come of her relationship with him, and it looks like you’re not going to be able to persuade her of how evil this guy is. Let her find out by herself how screwed up he is.

(I’m assuming that, despite your screen name, you’re actually a woman. If that’s not true, this relationship is even more screwed up than I thought. You should have mentioned in your post that you’re a woman.)

Puffington wrote:

FACTOID - 98% of people who quit heroin are using again within a year.”
In addition, 98% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

75% account for 3/4 of the population.

Fully half are below average.

Fretful Porky-- Of Course I Am Comparing Them To Lord Byron.

<sarcasm>Don’t you notice the stunning similarity in prose style?</sarcasm>

Save The Endangered Jackalope! Send Cash Now! If You Do This, I Will Use The Cash To Save Any Jackalope That I Happen To Find! Send Cash Now! Before It’s Too Late! My Bills, I Mean The Jackalope’s Bills Are Due The 15th Of The Month!
This has been a message from the Illuminated Committee To Save The Jackalope. Fnord.


“Uhh, drugs are bad.”


“That’s entertainment!” —Vlad the Impaler

Well I don’t have a written cite for my quote, but I do remember where I heard it. It was on an HBO special about heroin called Black Tar.

But hey, at least it ain’t made up on the spot.