Excel Date Conversion Question

Hopefully this is an easy question to answer, but I haven’t figured it out. I have an Excel file with dates in it, and I need to convert the dates to a text string that can run in a macro. In other words, my file has 06/01/03 (which actually is the value 37773) and I need to have a text string 060103. Is there a quick and easy way to do this? The obvious copy/paste special - values doesn’t work since it gives 37773, nor do any of the stripping functions (=LEFT(A1, 2)) since again it strips out numbers from the 37773 string.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

If A1 has the date in it, the formula

=TEXT(A1, “mmddyy”)

will give you what you want

Use the “TEXT” function. And your Microsoft Excel Help feature.

The example given from the help doc:

TEXT(“4/15/91”, “mmmm dd, yyyy”) equals “April 15, 1991”

Good luck.

Perfect! I knew it was something simple… just not something I was familiar with.
