OK, I admit I am an excel idiot.
I need a formula for calculating and tracking components needed to build capital ship parts in eve online. Right now I have =IF(D4-E4<“0”;"") but the partner I am working with doesn’t want it to return a negative if for example cell d4 is 5 and e4 is 100. How do I tell it to not return -95 and instead leave the F4 cell blank?
I think this is what you want:
Not sure where A2 and B2 came from. It sounds like this is what is needed:
I’m changing my post to Rio, by Duran Duran.
This should do the trick:
="Rio by "&REPT("Duran ",2)
it’s called “not paying attention to what you’re typing.”
Hm, I don’t have a copy of Rio, will Hungry Like the Wolf work?
And Ill give the new formula a shot. Thanks =)