OK, we have Rossini’s Barber of Seville (Fee-gah-ro. Fee-gah-ro. Figaro, Figaro, Figaro…), Bizet’s Carmen (my personal favorite) and Verdi’s Don Carlos plus two lesser-known ones (I say “lesser-known” because I can’t remember the names of the other two right now. One’s by Puccini. It’s about the American West, but it’s in Italian.). I guess I’ll go ahead and buy season tickets. Thing is, if I do that, then I have to find a date for each one, or sell the tickets, or buy the “stag” tickets. I prefer the date option. The thing about the date option is not whether I have the guts to ask girls out; I do, dammit. But, finding someone who’s interested in opera and is also available for a specific night can be quite a chore if you don’t have a girlfriend (Trust me. I know. It can be quite a chore if you do have a girlfriend!). I’m still trying to figure out what to do. I think I’m going to have to plan on at least a couple of shows whether I buy season tickets or not. Just kicking ideas around here. Pardon my rambling.
So 'fess up. Any other opera fans here? (Come on guys. I know at least some of you cried during La Boheme.) Any ladies interested in a romantic night of music, drama, and Pabst Blue Ribbon at the Copper Coin bar with the Strainge-meister?
Strainger, I’m sorry, but you stole my line! Ever since that discovery.com commercial came out, your sig has been my new catchphrase. Ahhhhhh, the atmoshphere…ahhhhhh. Hilarious! (My sister and I even greet each other like this: “Hello Meteor.” “Hello Meteor,” in the proper monotone voice) Ahhhh, anyway…
You know, I’m kind of scaring myself these days, but I think I may be turning to the dark side, and enjoying opera. There is a station that you might know, it’s 89.5 FM, that plays opera, and classical music. I kind of like that stuff. --shudder-- What’s wrong with me?!?
Yes, get season tickets; no, don’t get the stag tickets.
If you can’t get a real date take your mom or a sibling or a friend who’s never been before. When most people think of opera they think of that Wagnerian soprano from the Bugs Bunny cartoon, and will be pleasantly surprised by Carmen.
I don’t know where you are but wish you were closer…I’d join you in a second.
Is La Fanciulla del West the other opera they’re doing??
Zion, I’m familiar with 89.5 (KBAQ), but I never listen to it, unless they’re playing a performance by the ASU Choral Union and the Phoenix Symphony, of course. I tend to listen to classical music of my own chosing that I’ve either purchased or borrowed from the library. Also, I hate that “classical music broadcasting station DJ” voice. If I were a classical music station DJ, I would sound more like, “Next up we have Mars from The Planets by Gus Holst. It kicks ass! Bah-da-da-dum, dum, DUM-DUM-DUM! Bah-da-da-dum, dum, DUM-DUM-DUM!..”
sandyr, good suggestions, but I’m 1800 miles away from my mother and sister; I’m sure they’d love to go. I actually have a lot of female friends, but it’s tough to get them to accompany me, what with so many of them being married and all (including my admin here at work). I’m sure if I plan ahead I can find someone to go with me to each performance (people require so much advance notice nowadays). The other two operas this coming season are The Girl of the Golden West (does that translate to La Fanciulla del West in Italian?) by Puccini and The Daughter of the Regiment by Donizetti. I’m in Arizona but I see you’re way up in Minnesota. Oh Geez. But yah, I’d take you if you lived around here, you betcha.
I’m really looking forward to seeing The Barber of Seville. My favorite part is where the rabbit is slapping the bald guy’s head with his ears.