Exercise equipment recommendation?

I broke my exercise bike last night. It’s non-repairable - Two fairly hefty welds broke, and it was old and decrepit enough that even if I knew a welder, it wouldn’t be worth my time or money. So I’m looking for a new exercise machine. Strictly cardio, don’t like treadmills (I’ve tried my wife’s treadmill and usually wind up with a headache afterwards), want to spend less than $500. Any recommendations? What are the advantages of ellipticals over bikes?

When I use an elliptical it works my body more. My heart rate goes higher and I sweat more. Problem is its harder to read on an elliptical than it is on a bike.

Buy a jumprope. A good one might cost you $30.

Go to wherever it is you want to buy the machine from and try out different kinds. See which one you like best. Or, better still, if you know someone with a membership at a fitness club, tag along as a guest and try out different machines there. This option will give you more time with the equipment.

According to various fitness books I’ve looked at (trying to get the same answer), there really isn’t any significant difference between different types of cardio workout machines. Most sources end up saying that the best machine to get is the one you will use.

I’ve read that ellipticals tend to have a lower level of pervceived exertion than other exercise equipment. (in other words, you harder but it feels easier on the elliptical) And I’ve noticed this, it’s much easier for me to get my heartrate up on the elliptical than on the bike. But, if you don’t like treadmills, I’d at least try one out before purchase.

One of the best all around exercise machines is the rowing machine. You can get a good workout very quickly. But, you definitely work for it. Plus, the Concept II (who I linked to) is really the only company that makes good rowing machines. Cheaper one invariably suck and becasue the Concept II is so good, it can be difficult to find cheap used ones…

The best part of an elliptical in my book is that it is much easier on your joints. Last year I managed to give myself tendonitis by running a little too vigorously. My orthopod told me to stick with the elliptical until I was fully healed.

Actually, the exercise bike is the last choice in my book – I’ll run on a treadmill for miles before touching one of those.

What-no votes for a NordicTrack?

Hmm, I’m not sure I’d agree; like many exercise machines, people buy them with good intentions, but CIIs are expensive enough they get rid of them rather than use them as clothesracks. I got mine through eBay for quite a bit less than new, and there seemed to be a bunch of them up for bid for a while before one came up locally.

Hmm, I’d say they’re less than new but not cheap. If you look at how much a used erg costs compared to most exercise equipment, it’s quite a bit more. (for comparison, check out th Nordic Tracks, thos are going for cheap) Most of the Concept II model C’s on Ebay were hitting $500. I got mine fot $350 but it was from a friend for a friend. I know I could turn around and sell it for a profit anyday…

Anyway, whatever OP decides, check out Ebay and garage sales before you buy new. As smaft mentions, very few people ever actually wear out exercise equipment (contragulations to the OP for doing so) and you can probably find what your looking for at a excellent price (even with shipping).