Explain George Soros as The Bogeyman to me

He’s a currency manipulator who helped crash The Bank of England and pocketed over a billion dollars by doing so.

So, being a successful businessman, one would expect the GOP would love him and vote for him for President?

Except, the Kochs, for the most part, have gotten bigger bang for their buck than Soros.

People who admire businessmen admire people who build things not those who tear down societies and get rich from the ashes.

The man his father paid to take him in and pretended he was his godfather was a government official who worked with the Nazis. In his 60 Minutes interview Soros talks about accompanying him on his rounds confiscating Jewish property. Soros was 14-15 at the time. Living with an adult who worked with Nazis doesn’t make him a Nazi but he wasn’t Anne Frank either.