Explain this Garfield comic strip.

The bit I wonder, is how Jon could possibly mistake any canine bodily fluid or medicine for coffee. Coffee is very dark-colored, while most veterinary fluids would be lighter or transparent.

I don’t think Davis has worked on the strip since the 80’s.

(it was a joke)

(or an attempt at one, anyway)

Steamin cup of Fido Jizz.

A phrase to remember.

I thought this issue (heh) sounded familiar…

I’ll give your obvious expertise the proper deferens.

Extreme mental retardation?

But that’s exactly what makes it funny. If it had been a female dog pouring dog semen into her vagina, it really wouldn’t be funny.

Who the hell just grabs a cup with unknown contents and drinks it? It makes no sense on so many levels.

What is even more startling is that the OP of this thread actually posted in that one. I’m wondering if he just forgot about it, or if the question has been nagging at him for eight years!

Correlation does not imply causation. Jon drinking the coffee is actually unrelated to Liz’s line. The results of his pregnancy test had simply come in that day.

Doo dah! Doo Dah!

(stolen from the first thread)

This is a guy who’s the gamma individual in a household with a cat and a mentally defective dog. Maybe delta if there’s a goldfish around that Garfield hasn’t eaten yet.

[FACETIOUS] I knew I should have put Facetious Tags around that post. [/FACETIOUS]

I forgot.

:scuttles off to read my old post:

Ah, we didn’t get it then, either.

I once read a brochure (ASPCA)? about dog and cat overpopulation. There was a grisly photo of gassed kittens and puppies with the caption, “60,000 every day.” I have always taken the matter seriously.

I remember reading that strip in a garfield comic collection when I was a little kid and my interpretation was that he drank some sort of canine prenatal vitamin mixture.


(I’m a cat person ;))

Or maybe epsilon if there’s a pan of lasagna laying around that Garfield hasn’t eaten yet. :slight_smile:

The part which made me laugh hardest was the header for post #3:

Username: Good Egg
Status:   BANNED