Explain to a Yank how to prepare a "Full English Breakfast"

The main difference is that white pudding doesn’t contain blood and as such is an affront to all decent people.

Stick to black pudding - it’s ambrosia! (not to be confused with ambrosia rice pudding which is a different thing altogether).

rather oddly you can buy it on the net. Who’d a thunk that the greatest communication advance since movable type would be used to send black puddings around the globe. Porn and puddings - it’s what the net is for!

Very nice avoidance manoevre there Owl … let the furriners have the black stuff, and keep all the white pudding for us UKers. Yummmm. :stuck_out_tongue:

I have always thought of white pudding as being a Sweaty/Paddy thing, sort of like deep fried mars bars or potatoes for breakfast. I certainly never had it when I was young.

I am starving here!!

Could someone elaborate on the tea that Brits drink? I have just recently gotten interested in tea as an alternative to my huge coffee habit. Do you use tea bags or loose? Do you brew a pot or cup? Do you typically use an “English Breakfast Tea” or do you use a variety?

Ooooh crickey now you’ver asked for it. We brits have VERY strongly held views on tea.

I prefer loose tea made in a pot, and I like most of the mainstream brands, but I am particularly fond of Assam tea. We do drink an awful liot of it (and the Irish actualy drink much more than we do).

To drink tea the British ( and Irish ) way you must add milk . Sugar is a matter of preference ,but definitely no lemon. A ( pre-warmed ) china or earthenware teapot is best and let the tea brew ( infuse ) for five minutes. And of course the water must be boiling.

No; there is no “must” about it. I know it is far more common to drink your tea with milk in the British Isles, but I drink mine without and I know many, many others who do likewise.
What are we, then? Foreigners? I think not.
Just not as common as you! :smiley:

I think that the usual way to make tea in the U.K goes thusly:

Put a teabag into a mug (use a proper english teabag, not that Lipton shite - P.G tips is nice)

Fill mug 3/4 of the way up with freshly boiled water

Allow to stand for a minute then give it a stir and add milk (about a fifth of the total volume maybe?)

Add sugar if desired

Grab a couple of ‘Rich Tea’ biscuits or some ‘Hobnobs’ if you are feeling swanky, dunk and sip. Mmmmm, luuurvley.

I have never quite got to grips with why the yanks (and all other foriegners apart from the dominions) can’t make tea.

I think it’s something to do with the milk, and not using properly boiling water - but what passes for tea in the USA is more of a crime gainst humanity than anything Sadam did.

Still, given that the pivotal moment in their history is chucking perfectly good tea into Boston Harbour - maybe it was never meant to be.

Smapti, have you been able to use the great advice yet? Saturday morning I surprised my wife with a Full English Breakfast. Thank you to all Dopers who supplied advice. It all took me back to visits to England, Scotland and Ireland. I found a local place that sells bangers and pudding (black and white – I went for caution and bought the white). Cooked it up, as suggested, with eggs, juice, toast, marmalade and tea. Wonderful! The wife didn’t like the bangers that much, but loved the rest. The fried tomatoes were particularly savory.

If any Dopers from the Twin Cities (Minnesota) are interested, I bought the items from Irish on Grand, 1124 Grand Avenue, St. Paul.