[Expletive deleted] the Majorities

Who’s with me?

Aren’t you tried of “them” always telling you what to do? Who to marry? what clothes to wear? What laws to obey? What you can say. What you can think!

Why the fuck do must we cater every aspect of our lives to not “offend” these people. I know this is not peecee, but fuck them. I hate the majorities. It’s the government who should be working to keep these people out of the country, but NOOOOOOOO. The politicians cater to “these people” for cheap votes. Hmmmph. If you ask me it’s too late; the majorities already control the fucking government.

I say today we draw a line in the sand. This far. No further! We must do it now for the children. I ask again…Who’s with me?

Sorry, I’m a woman, and therefore a part of the majority. You uppity males will just have to submit to our rule forever. HA HAW!

It’s political correctness gone mad!

Road map please?

Yes mistress.

What the hell are you talking about?

If you don’t want to be told what to say or what to think…you are SOOOO on the wrong message board.

So am I, but I justify it as “know your enemy”.

Moved from The BBQ Pit to Mundane Pointless Stuff I Must Share.
Pit Moderator

I’m talking about those majorities who moved in down the block. Those majorities who’re in YOUR KID’S SCHOOL! Doesn’t this upset you! They are everywhere now! You can’t stop them. We need someone to act!

Once again, what majorities are you talking about? Who moved in down the block? Who’s everywhere? Why do ‘we’ need to act?

Cap’n, this should clear things up.

You’re one of “them” aren’t you. I knew I’d find a “majority rights” person here. All I gotta say is do something yourself or “stay outta my way.” :mad:

Move to Toronto. Everyone’s a minority here. :slight_smile:

Note: link goes to a report describing 42.9% ‘visible’ (i. e. non-‘white’) minorities in Toronto. Add in the white minorities, like Polish and Russian, and that takes us into a majotiry of minorities.

I’m all for poking Lonesome Polecat with sharp sticks (Anytime. Really, just invite me.), but aren’t you supposed to link to the thread/post you’re parodying in your actual OP?

side note Holy smokes! Jagdev! How can you have such a smirk on your face. Your wife is really Valdmir Putin in drag!

Yes you are, actually. orcenio, what’s your point, and is there a reason I should leave the thread open?

twicks, MSPSIMS mod

Viva la Revolución!

My point is that I’ve never seen such a stupid fucking comment as that one left by LonesomePolecat. It seemed so utterly stupid that I had to mock it. I missed adding a link though.

I swore cause I didn’t plan on it being bumped. Fucking LonesomePolecat (I blame you…)

Aha. Okay, I’ll leave it open, but adapt the title to make it more MPSIMS-appropriate.


– pwnsome lolcat