Expressing your power? No, you're being petty (work related)

Well, one is up for promotion soon, and any blemish on the record is a serious hit. The other one is slightly higher up than me and has aspirations as well for higher position. It’s almost militaristic how it all works.

As far as the info I had to give, it was just a short note stating I needed to eat during a certain time frame because of meds. That was it. As far as they know, it’s meds for diabetes or high blood pressure or any other thing they can think up.

Hmm. Doesn’t sound like much of a reprimand to me.

Glad things seemed to work out, I guess only time will tell.
Curious though, how the hell do you take restroom breaks? And isn’t it recommended by OHSA that you should move yourself away from your desk for at least 5 minutes every hour?
How do you cope with a serious case of the runs at this place?

(shocked look)

“Accomodation?” Duffer, don’t tell me you took advantage of the ADA! I thought you conservatives all believed it’s liberal rubbish intended to help illegal aliens steal American jobs so they can get abortions after screwing Bill Clinton atop an American flag. :wink:

Well, it was that or form a union.


I fought it, trust me. I think my exact words were “I’ve got the new shift, it won’t be a problem. Should it continue to be a problem, I’ll take lunch before the 5 hour mark. I just want you to know what’s happening so I don’t get fired for it.”

The response (being suddenly defensive now) is less memorable but goes something like this. Her, “No, no, no, it’s law that this form be filed now that we know about it. It’s for your safety and to make sure this doesn’t happen again.”

The defensiveness caused by not wanting anyone to know about it. No, there never would have been an actual lawsuit as that would have sent it out for all to see. Beyond my little world of friends here. :wink:

She made a good case for it and I felt like I’d be a dick for not signing it. Go with the flow type of deal. I’ll be rabid in standing up for myself, my friends and my family, but I do everything I can to do it with subtlety. Just the way we are in these parts. Just because I have a problem with someone doesn’t mean everybody not involved has to know about it. (Unless you’re a blessed Doper. Then you get all the details)

Anyway, I would have been perfectly content to let the powers that be know that I’m taking lunch within a pre-determined time frame, regardless of the current state of techs AFK. But sometimes you have to play the game. Not one I’ve ever played before, but I really want to keep from pushing the limits as it’s the first job I’ve A) had that I actually look forward to; and B) been fortunate enough to be in a state of mind to think 3 days ahead of the impulsive thought of quitting on the spot.

As far as bathroom breaks and the like, you can set yourself to not ready for a minute or 3 to check the water pressure. The bathroom isn’t a block away. It hurts the stats a bit, but there are ways around it. For instance, if you have to reboot a computer, you have 3-5 minutes right there. Stay and listen to the other end of line barking orders or planning the weekend, or ask they wait while you go grab a report you need. What the hell do they know? They know it’s rebooting, you know it’s rebooting, you both know there isn’t crap being done, they don’t mind. Grab some coffee, take a leak, whatever. Just don’t waste time, you’re fine.

With regards to standing, I spend less than half my shift sitting. The cord allows about 12 feet of extension and I’m often standing or pacing trying to explain the difference between a router and a register. (I’m really building up a Pit thread to eviscerate the state of technological ignorance of of 20-somethings bombarded with Dell and Gateway ads that don’t know a monitor from a mouse) Lo, I wish that were hyperbole.

Anyway, losing steam, back later for any other questions or concerns. :slight_smile: