External hard drive question

I have an external from Iomega (s/n 97A95o1062 - model # 31758600 LDHD-UP) and I lost the install software. I have tried to find the software online, but even Iomega.com doesn’t seem to have the down load. Can someone help me with the info to install my external hard drive.

Is this a USB drive? I’ve never found external USB drives to actually need any of the software that comes with them. You just plug in and go.

What he said. You shouldn’t need any software to install and use your drive. Just plug it in, go to Windows Explorer and you should see a new drive icon under My Computer. I can’t tell you the drive letter, as it will depend on what devices you already have.

The software that comes with the drive is usually backup type software to run automatic backups. However Windows 7 and Vista already have that ability on their own, however off the top of my head I don’t remember how to do it.