Eyebrow dandruff

I get the dandruff stuff on my forehead and nose. I use the Nizoral to wash my face in the shower. There are a couple of creams that seem to help. The cream that I usually get is Des Owen 0.05% and it works wonders, however there seems to be no way to permanently get rid to the dandruff.


What better way to mark my triumphant return to the SDMB than with a question about eyebrow dandruff?

What you have here is a case of seborrhiec dermatitis. It afflicts the scalp, eyebrows and the sides of the nose most commonly. It’s unknown exactly what causes it but the leading contender is fungal. Standard OTC dandruff shampoo should address any scalp symptoms. Facial scrubs should take care of the eyebrow and nose flakiness. If symptoms persist, try a shampoo with salacylic acid. Some OTC brands include this ingredient. The most severe cases will require a stronger concentration than is commercially available without a prescription.

I have never heard of that but it seems likely…