(Old) FA LA LA LA LA Decking The Halls In The MMP

I absolutely 128% concur. (The math works out; I checked.)

That’s almost exactly the same as my style, too. I cannot follow a recipe precisely to save my life - the one time I came close, just to prove to myself that I could, there was something about the finished product that I just knew would have been improved if I’d followed my instincts instead of the instructions. (The precise details have been lost to the mists of memory.)

Shh. Don’t tell anyone, ferchrissakes; I have a reputation to uphold.

Goddamn, but ain’t that the truth.

I feel like there’s a “that’s what she said” joke in there somewhere.

{ Shoe has left the chat … in a huff. }

Well, hey y’all!

… that doesn’t at all sound like the opening plot for a porn. Nope. Not even a bit.

I luv you.

For me it’s the opposite; thirty years in the Bible Belt will mess you up.

I’ve been in the Mitten State for three years now (!!) and it still weirds me out to see handles of Jack Daniels an aisle over from the toiler paper and over near the eggs and hot dogs.

Then again, even after working at a dispo for a year, it still amazes me that I can swing by the one near me on my way home from work - they have a drive-thru ferchrissakes - hand over a fiver and even get change (which I always tell them to keep, I may not be rich but I’m not a complete savage) and go home with one or two decent joints for the evening. Amazing.

There’s a tradition at my current job :pizza: to get a cake for people after they’ve been there for some amount of time.

I got mine today! It was chocolate, with vanilla icing and vanilla filling and someone commented that it was kinda like an Oreo cookie.
It was lovely. I nearly cried. The crew happily helped me absolutely demolish it.