failure notice - or the newest low of spam.

Has anyone else been getting a large amount of “failure notices” in their e-mail? They are all written up exactly like a real returned e-mail. According to these messages I have apparently I have been sending a large amount spam to the wrong e-mail addresses. I think that they are made like this because mail filters will let these messages through.

I am very tired and annoyed.

I haven’t had any of these. Have you checked the headers of what is being returned? It could be a faked reply to address that just happens to be yours. It only takes one spammer using your address and you will be on every blacklist. If so you will need to talk to your ISP and get a new addy.

My entire ISP was blacklisted once in error by some fucknugget using a fake addy based there. 7000 people all having their mail returned. Yikes.

I’ve been getting those for a long time. I get so many that I set up a filter a while back that throws all bounce messages in the trash.

I just got my first one and boy was I pissed.
Do they think I’ll buy anything from them, via the net no less, when the method of reaching me was patently dishonest?
I don’t understand the logic of doing this in the first place. Is someone paying them by number of emails opened? Or reported to anti-spam?

I’ve been getting these for a while now. I’ve gotten used to them.

I am finally utilizing OS X’s Mail program to its fullest—it has a “bounce to sender” function which will make all the spam senders to think that my email address is no longer valid. I kinda like returning their spam back to them. Is there anything like this on the Windows side? I’d sure like to install it on my PC.

I’ve been using Mailwasher for about a month now. It allows you to bounce spam and any other undesirable email.

This happened to me on yahoo. I was told that some spammer was using my yahoo email ID as a return address; all the emails that failed delivery bounced back to me. Yahoo said that there was nothing they could do. It stopped after about a month.

Yes I am sure you can do something similar with whatever mail program you use. I do think that it is not worthwhile. Most non fraudulent spam I get has a different email to send stuff to than the return address. The fraudulent emails are forging the headers or using throw away accounts. In fact I think you are probably only creating problems. I have heard some people complain the from addresses are from the same lists as the to addresses to make the email seem more legitimate. So by return the emails you are just forwarding the spam to the new guy. Some of these return to sender spam you are getting might be the other guy returning the email.

Spamssssssssssssss! We hatesss it, we do! (Gollum)

I’ve used Spam Cop to report the spam that hits my mailbox. But I haven’t noticed any decrease in the amount I get. And I’ve used Spam Cop for almost a year. Oh, well.

I filter my e-mail by setting the controls so that only e-mail from people in my address book land in my In Box. The other stuff lands in my Junk Mail folder. I scan that folder to make sure all the stuff there is indeed junk mail and not from people I really want to hear from.

I have not yet seen the type you describe - the ‘failure notice’. But I’ll keep it in mind next time I check that Junk Mail folder.

I’ve never found mail blockers to be terribly effective. A lot fo stuff still gets through. I gave up on a software solution, and instead contracted a ninja clan to hunt down anyone who spams me and disembowel them.

I googled this when about a dozen of them – some with attachments – flooded my inbox, and there’s suspicions that some of them contain the klez virus.

I did what y’all did and bounce e-mails with information in the “From” line like MAILER-DAEMON to the delete folder.

I think it may be general; flak resulting from Klez-type viruses; the virus infects a computer, sends itself to other people from there, but fakes the From: header so that it looks like it came from elsewhere.

Suppose my friend Jim gets infected, his machine has my address in the contacts list; klez sends a message to Jim’s friend, Bob, but picks my details out of the contacts list and shoves them in the From: header.
Bob has some anti spam filtering software installed (like Mailwasher), which tries to ‘bounce’ the message back to the sender, but in this case, the sender appears to have been me.
Result: I get a ‘failed’ message relating to an email I never sent.

How do we track spammers down so we can stuff rabid wolves down their shorts?

What I love is the “Use our software to block spam”

I am not sure if that would be considered irony, or just cause, but either way it really annoys me.