Fake BBC nuclear attack broadcast. Thoughts?

And there’s a link where they show him on his last day, before he retired, with the cartridge of that announcement.

It is too calm and scripted-sounding to be convincing enough.

Well, hindsight is 20/20. Naturally none of us in this thread were taken by the ruse, because we have numerous sources of information telling us that nothing is going on. Personally, IMO, having never seen a real BBC emergency broadcast, and being willing to suspend disbelief just a tiny bit for artistic reasons, I find it at least as scary as The Day After or Threads. Of course this is an emotional response, not a rigorous strategic evaluation.

Interesting that it’s attributed to “Ben Marking”, which bears some similarity to “Benchmarking Assessment Group”.

The interesting thing to me is that I’ve seen a lot of stock footage, I can even tell you a lot of the shot codenames by visual identification, and none of this was familiar to me.

Well, I didn’t suggest it was to do with Trump. I think I first saw this right before he was elected. It was especially scary back then, back when I thought he was a madman willing to destroy the world, before I realized that with such a craven self-preserving coward like Trump commanding the US nuclear arsenal, we’re probably safer than we’ve ever been. But I digress.