Fake Marine in full uniform at his High School reunion is found out by classmate & arrested With pic

Of course you’re free to do that.

But in doing so, it seems disingenuous, or at least distracting, to claim that the Constitution protects this conduct.

You may safely say, “the ideals of the Constitution should protect this conduct” and be on solid ground. But when you (or anyone) claims that the actual Constitution means X, then we move from a nebulous discussion about what should be to a more defined and rigorous discussion of what is.

Never once have I said, “The Constitution doesn’t protect a woman’s right to choose.” I’ve often said it shouldn’t, I’ve often said I disagree with the rulings that hold it does, I’ve even said that the TEXT of the Constitution has no support for the view, but I’ve never said that Constitution doesn’t mean that. Because it does, unless and until the statutory law or the caselaw changes.