"Faking It" = home run!

In November 2001 I went to Britain and saw a London go-go dancer fake it as an equetrian. Unfortunately she failed. But I loved the idea. Now it’s on TLC. Kudos. The first episode not only featured Gen from Trading Spaces, but was an outstanding success for the poor slob involved. I cheered when he won! Hoo-ra!

So … we’re talking about baseball? Or orgasms?

Or something?

Go-go dancing. Clearly. :confused:

There is a new show where someone has a certain short amount of time to learn a job they don’t know. Then they have to try to fool people who really do, do the job.

Yeah, my reaction to the OP was a “WTF-F?” and about six or seven of these things: :confused:

What is an equetrian?

I’ve got this weird mental image of Nancy Sinatra in a shaggy dress and white vinyl go-go boots doing the 'Frug with two guys in a horse costume. Again, what’s a “equetrian”?

Heheheh. I thought it might be “equestrian” also, but I dunno.

Did you travel to London for the express purpose of seeing a go-go dancer fake it as an equetrian?

Yeah, I meant “equestrian”. You guys are so cute!

Satisfying Andy Licious, naw. We saw it in the down time between sight seeing and drinking.