Yeah, I know there has been some past games on this. I’ve not read them. I don’t know how they worked and really, I bet they were fun and really good but I’ve always had my own idea for how to run this game online.
First off, here are the players and the two teams:
Red Team
What Exit?
frog princess
Blue Team
Frosted Glass
Secret Volcano Lair
Pygmy Rugger
Here’s how it will work. I’ll start a category and list all of the top answers I know or can think of. Yes, that’s the one catch… it will be purely my answers you have to depend on to be there or not be there. However, I’ve done this on a few other boards and a few other times and I’m fairly faithful in my ability to put the most popular answers up. But isn’t that what this game is about? Not really what you think should be up there, but trying, more or less, to guess what the people said and the majority of popular answers were.
In this game the majority will be one. Myself. However I’m going to shy away from personal opinion questions and stick mostly with factual based categories, just with a LOT of possible answers.
And this is another thing that you may find differnet a bit. Each category will have a LOT of answers, since there’s a lot of people playing. Expect categories to have anywhere from 8 to 20 (or more) on the list. I figure we’ll start off easy and with a few until people get a feel of the version I’m running, and then get into categories that have many, many, many possible and popular answers that will be on “the list”.
And now, some game ground rules.
Your team will then take turns guessing answers and seeing if they’re on the list (if it’s your team’s turn to guess, that is).
How we know who’s teams turn it is to guess, it’s whoever from either team gets the first answer on the list at all. THEN, that team member can choose for their team to “Play” or “Pass”.
Both have advantages and disadvantages. If your team chooses to play, well, then obviously if your team is smart enough they could name all the answers.
However once a team says 3 answers that are not up on the board, the other team will have a chance to only guess ONE answer up on the board and take the score away. So see, Passing works too if you think the category is hard and that one team wouldn’t be able to name all the answers.
Not many rules other than that. Just a few more little ones.
Most important: Remember, there will probably be answers you’ll say, that COULD go on the list but that might not be there. If this happens, please don’t yell at me or have a cow or get too disgruntled or start posting cites all over the place. Not ALL of the answers will be on the list. Only some. The POINT of the game is to try to guess what answers ARE the ones that I put up there. So be understanding. All in all, try to remember it’s just a fun game and enjoy just playing.
And the other rule is…every member of your team will have a turn at guessing. Once a team member has guessed, they won’t be able to again until we’ve gone through all of the others on the team.
That’s it.
Let’s try this version out, shall we?
Here’s how the scoring will go:
For every answer said, that’s one point for a team. One point they’ll get to keep no matter what. If one team gets ALL the answers, that’s 10 extra points for their team (added on to the points they got singly). If a team steals, and just supplies any ONE answer on the board, that will be 10 automatic points for their team.
I figure the first team to 100 posts wins.
Lastly, if anyone has any questions, feel free to ask them in here.
Anyway, let’s start with our first category. Remember that anyone from either team can get in first with an answer and they then may choose their team to pass or play. I’ve decided to nix the “But if someone from the other team can give an answer that is closer to number one on the list, they take control” addition because, personally, I think that would only further cause disagreement in what should be a “more popular” answer then another. Especially since it’s only me deciding.
First category:
Other then the domesticated housecat, name a member of the cat family.