I’m feeling a bit frustrated with smartphones now. Let’s celebrate dumb phones! What features on phones have you seen that you think are brilliant and should be included on every phone? You can also suggest features that you haven’t seen but you still think should be included.
My Nokia 6120 classic would tell you the time remaining every time you set an alarm. Great! No chance of setting the alarm wrongly. Also reminds me if I’m sleeping too late.
Using LED flashes as torches is a great feature.
Unit converters.
My Sony Ericsson phone had a Bluetooth mouse and keyboard feature.
I think the ringing options like ascending and vibrate, then ring are quite useful.
Are the lift to answer and turn over to silence features on HTC phones useful?
Is there a feature to set custom sounds for calls / messages from a certain range of numbers? e.g. in most countries, mobile phone numbers always start with some numbers. If you could silence all numbers starting with those, you could silence all mobile calls.
I have a dumb phone. It’s a flip-open type which means that when it is closed it is nice and compact.
Small size
Very rugged
Very inexpensive to operate
No fingerprint on screen problems
One battery charge lasts all week
A smart phone would be of no benefit to me, but would lose all of the benefits of my dumb phone. It’s a pretty easy choice for me. I’ll keep my dumb phone, thanks.
ETA: The small size and ruggedness of it is very important to me, as it allows me to keep the phone in my front pants pocket without fear of damaging it.
I have a dumb phone and it allows me to communicate with people who are beyond yelling distance. I keep it turned off until I want to use it because it’s for my convenience, not someone else.
It’s really a big commitment to step over to the smartphone way, but seeing as the phones are several other devices combined I can understand it. I still feel that more progress should have been made though.
I miss physical buttons from time to time like snoozing the alarm in the morning or answering/ending a call.