Fat people in films...

Apparently. A new keyboard might help. :wink:
(I kid because I love!)

I’m fat and would like to be in films anyone know of agencys that cater to fat people?

When I was an actor, I had the issue that I was neither ugly enough, nor good looking enough, to get casting calls for great parts - as well as being too short. One’s commercial worth is something of which most actors are very aware (regardless of talent), and are very cynical about. There’s even an agency in the UK called Ugly, with thousands of people on their books, voluntarily.

No doubt. They wouldn’t be in it unless they’re getting something out of it. Nevertheless, the thought still crossed my mind.

Heh. :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t want to be a fat man
I’ve not the patience to ignore all that
Hate to admit to myself
Half of my problems came from being fat
Won’t waste my time feeling sorry for him
'Cause I’ve seen the other side to being thin
Roll us both down a mountain and I’m
Sure the fat man would win

That strikes me as quite unlikely; in the States, you’re not allowed to discriminate on such a basis unless it’s necessary for the job you’re hiring for; it’s obviously necessary to have the right general physical characteristics to act in a movie. I just don’t buy that the laws there are so unreasonably written.

Although I haven’t seen the play, I do know that the woman’s role is a starring role, not a tiny one. AFAIK, although cruelty flows freely (this is a Neil LaBute play, after all), many of the skinny supporting actors/actresses are portrayed as terrible people. Also, this play is not a comedy (the cruelty is not meant to be laughed at).

In the states, you aren’t discriminating by selective casting. If the part is of a hot, young, eurasion woman, who is not pregnant, then an overweight, male, eastern european octogenarian isn’t going to be cast.

There are complaints in general about the aesthetic standards for films, but the medium is visual, and so in many cases the media form requires attractive people. This is analagous to requiring singers to present acceptable vocal ability.

I’ve seen ads in the SMH seeking people with specific physical and racial characteristics for films/TV.

You were an actor?? The Dope never ceases to surprise.
Start another thread and tell us more - I’ve got a weird fascination with your travails.

I went and looked at the Ugly site. The weirdest thing was that on every set of photos I examined, there was at least one face that was young, attractive, and hot. Some of the hot male faces were nonwhite - did that mean they had more of a chance getting cast Ugly than Good looking? Because they definitely were good looking.

Many of the girls were pretty.


I like the “specials” page, with sections for “Thugs” and whatnot. Yeah, most of these ladies are not ugly at all, unless your standards are insanely high (as they are for most TV and movie actresses).