"Fatty" jokes on TV and Movies

Fucking fat chicks is a lot of fun, but it sucks having to roll them in flour to find the wet spot, though.

Maybe you should try cornmeal?

Some people in this thread are being absolutely rude and disgusting. <_<

Fat people do not deserve to be ridiculed or be the butt of jokes. Nobody deserves things like that. And how many “smoker” jokes have I ever heard in my life? Pretty much none that I can recall. Nobody makes fun of smokers. How are fat people the new smokers?

I also agree that not all fat jokes are necessarily in poor taste, especially when they are in the self-deprecating category. I was specifically referring to all the jokes that revolve around fat people being pigs, undateable, or that becoming fat is some horrifying thing.

There are probably plenty of overweight people who are perfectly healthy. In fact, at least one recent survey found that people with BMI of “overweight” were actually as healthy if not healthier than those in the “average” or “normal” BMI category. Weight is only an indicator of health, and just because someone is overweight doesn’t mean that anything is wrong with them.

And even if being fat DOES automatically mean someone is in poor health, since when did it become cool to make fun of unhealthy people? Do we like to make fun of people who are dying of lung cancer from smoking? Do we make jokes about someone who gets AIDS because they had unprotected sex? It’s not really very funny to make fun of people who have health problems, in my opinion.

That being said, of course, people who are overweight should be doing their best to live a healthy lifestyle, exercise regularly and eat well. And if they are doing that, then it doesn’t matter what their body looks like. If they aren’t living a healthy lifestyle, then it’s time to have a responsible conversation with them about how to change habits. It’s not a time to make fun of them or ridicule them.

I agree with this in theory, and if you’re concerned about a loved one’s health that’s great. But from a broad POV, I have to wonder - whose business is it whether you do something unhealthy or not? It’s the sheer hypocrisy that gets on my nerves - people have all kinds of crazy vices, and I garauntee you the most judgmental of them do all sorts of things that are terrible for their health. Fat is somehow different than drinking, smoking, not getting enough sleep, not getting enough exercise, spending more than two hours a day watching TV, having unprotected sex, not seeing the dentist every year? Why?

All right, all right…I will go on ahead and apologize. It somehow felt obligatory to post something counter to the spirit of the thread, because…well, because I am an immature idiot. So, sorry about that.

thanks for the cornmeal tip, will have to try

I would only have this discussion with a close friend or family member who I loved very much. My best friend is very overweight, and while I don’t harp on him all the time about it, I am concerned for his health and want him to live a long, happy, healthy life. He is aware of his weight, and we do have discussions about it from time to time.

I agree that all vices deserve a frank and honest discussion when they get out of hand. My sister smokes very rarely. Doesn’t bother me at all, for example. People who drink in moderation occaisionally are also in the same boat. Yes, it’s a vice, but a vice taken in moderation. If someone is very overweight, doesn’t exercise, and eats unhealthy food all the time, they are putting themselves at risk for dying earlier than they have to, and if I care about that person then I’ll have a discussion with them and try to help however I can.

But no, it’s not my responsibility to hand out pamphlets and have conversations with every overweight person I meet, obviously.

You never understood why fit people are more attractive than fat people?

I don’t know that they are. I reckon in our culture its true cause a fat person could never be attractive while a walking skeleton like Keira Knightley is considered hot.

And fat does not always equal not fit just as thin does not always equal fit.

In a thread about how it’s not cool to make fat jokes, one of the staunchest opponents of fat jokes sure is quick to throw around skinny jokes. Well played; not hypocritical at all.

Who made a skinny joke?

It was turned sideways and you couldn’t see it.

Well if I offended any skinny people I apologize and vow not to do it again.

No, you weren’t joking. You were serious. You feel that people who are built like Keira Knightly are walking skeletons. That’s totally cool to say in seriousness, but when someone is simply joking about fat people being gross, they are bad people. Got it.

Well being that you are not me you have no way of knowing if I was serious or not. Got it?

Very few if any jokes on Tv making fun of thin people so I don’t think its something anyone needs to be upset about. The day thin people are ridiculed ill be the first to defend them.

I can hardly wait until stupid people become the new smokers. I can make fun of them until they become smart. Right? :dubious:

I have a better idea. Can we find a way to make fun of insensitive people so that they will understand that we are making fun of their insensitivity?

Well, this…

kinda tipped your hand about being serious. Got it?

As far as the op goes … I have not seen the show but from the description in this thread it seems that these are less jokes making fun of fat people than jokes making fun of people who make fun of fat people, akin to Archie Bunker’s jokes. If so the point is that the jokes are lame.

The post may or may not be a whoosh but it still is cogent. We had a recent thread about bullying and this mentality illustrates the bully mind set. They really do believe that they are doing a social good, attempting to enforce a social norm. Silence in the face of bullying is interpreted as tacit agreement. (And the comparison to restricting smokers from forcing their smoke on others is stupid in the extreme.)

Glad you “got it” but wonder if you could actually respond to the point that was made?

Keira Knightly has a BMI of 17.6, or perhaps 17.0, depending on which source you believe. Under 18.5 is considered significantly clinically underweight and is associated with more health risks than is being overweight. In another recent thread it was pointed out that the average female model’s BMI has become lower as the average real woman’s BMI has gotten higher.

The comment was a valid one: seriously clinically underweight is increasingly held up, to women at least, as an ideal. Most women with BMIs associated with the lowest mortality rate (near the border of “normal” and “overweight” as clinically defined) think they need to lose weight, which is hardly surprising when what is idealized in the media is much less, and sometimes to unhealthy degrees.

To equate Laggard’s making that point a bit inelegantly with the subject of how the fat are teased with some approval by many onlookers* is disingenuous.

*Funny enough given that 2/3s of American adults are clinically overweight or obese. I suspect that those who are insecure about their own self-image are most eager to find someone worse off than they are to harass. It reminds me some of how the bottom of the White South was most eager to (literally) beat up Southern Blacks, as they were the ones below them on the ladder.

As a fat person I’m not in the least offended by Barney Stinson and his attitude towards body shape. He’s supposed to be a jerk. He also thinks that girls I would LOVE to look like are too fat. He’s just plain crazy.

I feel the same way about Jersey Shore. I watch that show and I’m never offended by those dudes’ comments about women. Because all of their comments are just stupid.

The stuff you guys pointed out about Friends etc is what does bother me - “Stupid fat fatty is fat because they stuff their faces.” Yawn.

I do watch Mike & Molly and while I do love the leads, they do have lame “eat too much” fat jokes. They are in Overeaters Anonymous. Every show features a scene at a diner where either Mike’s cop partner or the waiter make a joke about how much Mike eats. But…the show has terrible writing. So since the source is stupid, I can’t be too offended by it just like I’m not offended by the stupid source of Jersey Shore.

All in all, I don’t really care about fat jokes. I know I’m not guilty of the things the jokes are accusing me of. I also know that there are plenty of thin people who eat like shit. I know people love me despite my size. I know other people get made fun of for shit they do/are too.

The fat jokes I make are super funny, tho :slight_smile:

I didn’t think it was subtle. There’s a scene where Hal and Rosemary run into her ex, Ralph, and his friend Li Boy, and Hal feels insecure because Ralph is much better looking than him. He later apologises for being a jerk, and says something about how he doesn’t like thinking about her with that “pretty boy”. Rosemary laughs, looks confused and says he must be the first person in the world to ever refer to Ralph as a pretty boy. Later, when the hypnosis has worn off and Hal thinks Rosemary has gone back to Ralph, he goes to give him the ‘don’t you dare break her heart’ talk and Ralph looks completely different (short, scrawny, lots of dandruff). And Hal didn’t even recognise Li Boy until he told him who he was.

Oh, yeah, now I remember…thanks. I guess I mistook the initial mention of this in this thread to refer to the Jack Black and/or Jason Alexander characters.

End of hijack.