Favorite Anime?

Yes, I suppose it goes hand in hand with this thread:

But what is your all-time favorite anime? Mine is either Martian Successor: Nadesico, or Sorcerer Hunters. I think there’s just something about the Shinji character that I think is cool.

I really like Ninja Scroll. Sure, it’s mainstream; but I like the story.

Dirty Pair (old school, but sooo cute)

I really hope no one says either Sailor Moon or Pokemon, cause I would really hate to pop open a can of verbal whoop-ass!

Revolutionary Girl Utena and Devil Hunter Yoko are really good from what I’ve seen of them.

My favorite would have to be the Evangelion series.

Second would be a tie between Ghost in the Shell and Akira.

I have to go with the Lodoss War.

Oh, all right . . .

Whichever one I just watched. :smiley:
– Zilch

Wings of Honneamise.


DigitalMuse, you like Utena too? I loved it, it’s how I was dragged into anime by my now ex-boyfriend. We even wanted to make the little monkey our anime club mascot. We named the Kung Fur Killer Crack Monkey. Wasn’t he the cutest?


Yes, I am the patron saint of this so you may all bow before my power.

grrr where’s my sig?

The other day, as I was leaning over to switch parallel port devices, my Eva 00 figurine fell on my head, prompting me to groan “Evvvvaaaaaa” a la dying robotic Wolfenstein Hitler.

I think that event may have promoted * X * to number 1.

Definitely Nausicaa. The comic book version is even better though.

Rurouni Kenshin and Kare Kano are the best. (KK is done by the same people as Evangelion)
I really like Utena too, have you seen all of it Fairy Princess Kitty and DigitalMuse? It’s so weird, I LOVE it. I cant wait to see the movie.

Sailor Moon’s not THAT bad sk8rixtx, if you watch it in Japanese. The outer soldiers are awesome, I mean come on, Saturn is possessed by the Anti-Christ! But the dub? Can I KILL someone please?!

I loved Escaflowne–but don’t watch it on Fox. It’s really hacked to pieces, and I question the casting of voice actors. In general, I HATE dubbed. On a related note, I’m actually enjoying Sailor Moon. It’s very stylized and formulaic, and I found I had to get used to that, so I could ignore those elements and see down to the more interesting themes and interactions between characters. A friend of mine has subbed, not dubbed, DVDs and it does make a world of difference. You mean Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune aren’t cousins? American viewers mustn’t be subjected to healthy homosexual relationships! The horror! The horror! I’ve finally decided that I’m not going to watch dubbed anime on tv any more, because it’s so often folded, spindled, and mutilated.

Utene is one SCREWED UP CARTOON, man. That’s all I have to say about it. SICK!

Personally, I don’t see why everyone hates Pokemon. I think it’s perfectly OK for the under 12 set. Me? I like Kenshin.

My two favorite anime are Rurouni Kenshin and Fushigi Yuugi. I’d like FY even more if I had a buck for everytime somebody said ‘Miaka’ or ‘Tamahome’ but still… :slight_smile:

Vampire hunter-D. And ninja scroll

I’ve always been really fond of the “Ranma 1/2” series–although I’ve also gotten a really unhealthy obcession with the “Blackjack: Clinical Chart” videos. :slight_smile:

My favorite anime movie will always be Vampire Hunter D. I love Yoshitaka Amano’s character design–he’s always been one of my favorite illustrators.


Cowboy Bebop is fun, partially for the soundtrack(which rules), partially because it’s a load of fun, and mostly because how amusing it is to see a Japanese imitation of American culture.