Favorite band from Texas? Also, Does Texas Rock = Southern Rock?

Well, I got out a bit when I was younger. Let’s find out. I’m gonna send you a PM with who I am, and we’ll learn if we are long-lost deadly enemies. :slight_smile:

Wow, I listened to their studio stuff. Very extreme. They could use a better recording, though.

Check your pm. Suffice to say I suddenly understand your username, through the use of my trusty Hell’s Lobby decoder ring. :smiley:

Love him.

Not originally from Texas, though: “Johnston was born in Sacramento, California, and grew up in the northern panhandle of West Virginia between Ohio and Pennsylvania near Chester and New Cumberland, West Virginia” (Wikipedia).

Speaking of SRV, one of his good friends growing up was Oak Cliff native Rocky Athas. While Rocky and Lightning might not be anyone’s favorite Texas band, I’m guessing a few folks here have been fortunate enough to catch him in some smaller gigs over the years. Nice guy, entertaining guitarist.

Well now you must clue us in - I have too many exchanges on music in general and guitar in particular where I find myself saying “yeah, I agree with scabpicker…wait; what?” :wink:

What it means is one or both of these guys might be in the best ever death metal band out of Denton. :slight_smile:

I just pulled out that comp and listened to it. The fact that no-one on it ended up a star is a testament to how hard it is to become one!

Well, I didn’t really start this thread to talk about my Texas Rock band from 20 years ago, but I’m probably a little more vain than the next person, and lack control. This might clear that up a little…

Or, it might make you wonder why you’d ever agree with someone who would play on such a thing! I hope it doesn’t make us disagree more often. Spoilered for NSWF language, content, dueling guitar solos, and eventually triple guitar solos. You have certainly been warned.

"Scabpicker - Duck Duck Annihilation

Disclaimer: The lyrics aren’t about me, and I didn’t write them. I used the song title for an email address, and like my beard, it was a joke that became horribly serious.

I’m the rhythm guitar in the middle that doesn’t solo until the outro. Yep, three guitarists. Me, one that I mostly taught what I knew at that time, the other was an uncontrollable force that had his guitar tuned to an open E and he just went. We were kind of like .38 Special short a drummer and any interest in the major scale :).

I don’t think either of us were in Sodom and Gomorrah Liberation Front :).

And now, we’ve devolved to talking about the Denton music scene. The last I checked, it still made Austin look like a bunch of well-adjusted adults trying to make it in the music industry!

Now, there’s a sig line if I’ve ever seen one. At a local java shop, listening to Satchmo sing; I don’t think I can click on the link right now ;). I look forward to listening.

One last intrusively personal question - you started a thread about Texas music and clearly grew up there - but your listed location is Funkytown. Isn’t that Minneapolis, from the song by Lipps, Inc? Or is some place in TX referred to that way? Or is it just for fun, and I just over-thought it and whooshed myself?

Listened - fun. Didn’t get all the lyrics (something about taunting a momma’s boy?) but love the fact that they aren’t Cookie Monster vocals. I’m not a huge fan of Dimebag/scooped mids metal guitar tone (I’m too Old School, sigh) but they work here.

http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4IsXKMkDAMQ. :wink:

I’m still the only one who picked Johnny Winter?

A dismissive pfft to you all :p.

Well, about two years ago I changed my location to Funkytown as a joke one night, partly because I love the song (stay off drugs, kids). Shortly after that, a drummer from another band found out I lived in Fort Worth, and exclaimed “No way, you live in Funkytown? Me Too!”. I checked around, and apparently it’s becoming a nickname for the town (urban dictionary and it’s wiki entry lists it, at least). Yeah, it’s pretty misleading. But it’s better than Panther City, which just kind of makes everyone nervous, IMHO. The panthers were cougars, and I haven’t heard of one in the city limits for a long time. And I dunno why, but Cowtown has been falling out of favor as a nickname for awhile.

Hell, back then, I think every metal guitarist though that mid knobs deserved to be turned to 0, and removed. Since then, I’ve either refined my tastes or I’ve just bought amps with no mid knob, making that decision moot. I’d like to think it’s the former, but it’s probably the latter.

And now I’ve been tricked into liking ANOTHER folk song. :slight_smile:

And Tamerlane thank you for picking Johnny Winter, and justifying me putting him in the list. I meant to thank you earlier, but I apparently got sidetracked. He’s my favorite electric blues guitarist from Texas. I’ve been blown away by this version of “Mean Town Blues” for the last few months. The album version doesn’t do it justice. Truly a mammoth player.

Ft. Worth is nicknamed “Funkytown”? Who knew? I always think of it as “The Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex” :wink: (seriously, I love the names that local newsfolk come up with for their region; at least it’s not “The Quad Cities” or something equally generic…)

Johnny Winter is great, but, sorry, Freddie King is yards better, and I suspect Johnny would be the first to sign up for that assessment. The Texas Cannonball was a monster player. And don’t get me started about T-Bone Walker - all roads lead to him when it comes to Texas blues…face it: you guys have an embarrassment of riches when it comes to six-string talent.

I thought the panther story was not fearsome. Research indicates it was not; the story was, in fact, intended as an insult. By a Dallasite.

I haven’t visited your fair city in years. But I do remember liking it better than That Other City in the Metroplex.

I used to live right down the street from Paschal High School, and I always thought it was odd that a high school name that reminded me of lambs had a panther as a mascot.

And we all hated ‘Cowtown’.

Yeah, the panther story isn’t bad, but actual cougars are. I’ve seen them and their paw prints on rural land in Tarrant county. Being reminded that they’re around isn’t comforting to me. They usually leave people alone, but it’s not pretty when they don’t.

Thankya, I feel the same way.

You said it.

Nexul, a newer Texas band, which shares members with Nyogthaeblisz, has a slightly more, uh, polished sound - as far as draw-you-through-the-gutter black/death metal goes, that is! Samples here.

Pantera and Bowling for Soup, neither of which made the OP’s list. sniffle

I really was going to let this thread die a peaceful death, but I was looking at the calendar where my band is booked month after next, and lo and behold! Billy Goat is scheduled to play there on Oct. 13th. I don’t know if they’re up to their old form, or if Mike Dillon has kept up with his chops, but I suspect that they are, and he has. I might pay the $10 to find out, it would be worth it just to see. (I’m also ecstatic to find out Peelander-Z is scheduled to play there on Sept 27th, but that has little to do with Texas bands.)

And since I was replying anyway, I might as well make a couple of replies that aren’t really moving things along, but I thought them when I read it.

Good god, most newscasters here just refer to the whole mess as “The Metroplex”, which sounds like a marketing company gave up and went home for the day. I yearn for the future when the whole area gets so developed, they just call it the “Texas Triangle”. It’s just as dumb, but at least it’d have alliteration.

Hey, I said favorite, not best (but yeah, it’s guitarists all the way down). And if we’re talking best blues guitarist, we should probably elect a president of blues guitarists, and not limit it to Texas (yeah, Hendrix will probably win, so what?) I’m trying to think of a good way to do that that doesn’t involve running several rounds of voting.

Trust me, if there were two bands that I should have put on the list; it’s probably those two, with the addition of Brave Combo. All three have gotten a few votes. I should have expected Pantera (nationally huge), and Brave Combo (they’re simply the workingest polka band since Lawrence Welk closed down, they tour everywhere), I am surprised by Bowling for Soup. They never struck me as any more popular than a band that got played on KDGE’s specialty shows a few times. I really expected to hear from a Nixons or New Bohemians fan first. They’re from the area, and I grew up either around the same time as they all were, or slightly before, and apparently familiarity bred contempt. Or, perhaps I’m just forgetful. Either way, please accept my apologies. :slight_smile:

I love that. “It’s turtles all the way down!” ;):smiley:

My son just learned the Born Under a Bad Sign riff - great for groove-ology studies, and requires strong hands - it’s Albert King, dammit; of course it requires strong hands. While he was grooving on it, I tossed him some SRV bass-string riffage to connect the chords (which he can now attempt given the hand-strengthening from playing Bad Sign) and then showed him some T-Bone Walker Stormy Monday chords to replace the major chords - and he’s off to the races.

All Texas players - really amazing when you think about it.