Paper. Small pieces of paper crumpled into little balls, and thrown. Large pieces of paper, and, in particular, flat paper bags (not the grocery store kind that have an actual bottom, but the ones that are just rectangles of paper, sealed on three sides) are apparently the Best Thing Ever to put a kitty butt on. Lou just likes sitting on them.
Used Q-tips. Who can explain their mysterious allure? They are not safe in the waste basket, and for the love of Og, don’t let the cat catch sight of you cleaning your ears.
Short pieces of string or yarn. For some reason, picking a piece string up, and dropping it, and picking it up again, and dropping it again, is endlessly entertaining.
Rubber bands. Best when shot across the room for chasing, but picking them up and dropping them is apparently also a hoot.
Ear buds. Who knew? Apparently it’s also fun to pick up ear buds in your mouth. And drop them again. And pick them up. And drop them again. Related categories: Used Q-Tips, short pieces of string, rubber bands.
Reddot. HOLY CRAP! IT’S REDDOT! MUST CATCH REDDOT! HOW DOES IT MOVE SO FAST? OMIGOD OMIGOD OMIGOD REDDOT!!! (Can you tell that we enjoy the laser pointer?)
Mr. Crinklymoth. He crinkles, just like prohibited toys such as plastic wrappers and clear packing tape. (O, sweet, sweet forbidden packing tape!) The toy of choice to cuddle, bite, eviscerate, lick, lay on top of, and lurve.
We aren’t cheap, honestly. Our cat just ignores most storebought toys (with the notable exception of Mr. Crinklymoth.)