Favorite Commercials??

I know. I think that’s why I like it. I’ve taken to asking my husband why he’s so blue, Panda Bear! Then I giggle like mad.

Dammit! I saw one last night that always gives me a chuckle and I swore to remember it to mention on the Dope and no such luck! :mad: Must program myself to remember.

Anyhoo, I didn’t realize it was “big Huckin Chicken” till I read the small print on the chicken motocross ad. I knew it couldn’t be “f—in” but wasn’t clear on the actual “word”.

See, I thought it was “Big Honkin’ Chicken”. Shows how well my ears are working…

I like the elephant dancing on the GE commercial. It makes me think of my grandma - she’s amused by stuff like that. Now that I found it online, maybe I’ll email it to her. :slight_smile: It’s cute!
2nd one down.

Moving thread from IMHO to Cafe Society.

Got it! It’s the one where the guy says “I’ll have a combo meal but instead of fries…” and everyone in the Wendy’s pauses and looks horrified, scrambles to get out there, throws themselves through the air and under a table.