Favorite "Far Side" Memories (MAD, too)

A few of my favorites:
Two bears looking down at a rifle on the ground (or possibly other bear is holding it.) One bear says to the other, “Thunderstick? … Thunderstick! That, my friend, is a 30.06!”
Old man frog and old woman frog driving along. Man is driving, woman is wearing these great cat eye glasses and maybe a Minnie Pear Hat. She says to the old man frog, “Harry, look out! Watch the road! You’re driving like you’ve been pithed or something!” (perhaps only funny to biology majors)
A tree with many raptors perched in its branches each wearing a walkman. The caption is, “Birds of Prey are cool.”
And, finally, for my father-in-law: A man with a pocket protector is standing on a rock overlooking a valley and the caption is: CPAs of the wild frontier.
All the ones mentioned above are also some of favorites - especially the cow one, and did anyone mention why dinosaurs went extinct? (They were all smoking cigarettes.)
Sigh. I miss The Far Side.

Oh, yeah, and who can forget The Boneless Chicken Ranch?

From Far Side:
A bunch of scientists stand around a badly put together rocket while the head scientist-guy exclaims “Hey, come on guys, this isn’t brain surgery!”

South of the border, the most feared dinosaur was Tyranosaurus Mex
[drawing of T Mex in pancho and sombrero]

[Stampede of animals break down fence and head for space shuttle about to be launched]

Gaurd on phone: “They must know something we don’t know!”

or something like that

Start saving your money now…

More sensible comments in a later post.

There’s a dolphin in a pool trying to talk to these scientists. “We’re getting another of those ‘Ah blah es panyol’ sounds.”

A T-Rex is chasing a bunch of cavemen. Catches them and gets a mouhtful. Looks very shocked and spits them out. “In the days before soap.”

There’s a baby in a stroller and a bunch of birds are sitting around it. “It’s still hungry and I’ve been feeding it worms all day.”

A very shocked and well down horse is roasting over a campfire. Says the cowboy “Well, old Roy here said he was hungry enough to eat one, and then I thought, well, shoot, so am I, and one thing sort of led to another … I guess it was some kind of hysteria.” Man the look on that horses face.

Man I loved “The Far Side.”

And I enjoyed MAD too. That’s where I saw my first female full frontal in the media. Thank you Sergio.

A kangaroo with a cast on his leg and holding a pogo stick is talking to another kangaroo saying “the cast comes off in two weeks, then I should be off this thing”.

On my desk is…

“The Bluebird of Happiness long absent from his life, Ned is visited by the Chicken of Depression”




Ooooh. Now if only they’d release the videos on DVD.
This is wierd. I’m looking at this thread and my post comes just before Qadgop’s and yet when I preview I see my post coming just afer Qadgop’s. Curious. Let’s see when happens when I post this.

My favorite MAD moment: the potrzebie system of measurement, designed by the Don Knuth.

Salesman and homewoner standing outside house with dog lying half in and out of doghouse with chainsaw under his front paw. “Watch out Mr., Old Zeke’s liable to fire that sucker up.”

A bunch of Vultures standing around a cowboy carcass, and one standing in the back with a cowboy hat on. “look everyone, I’m a cowboy, howdy, howdy, howdy!”

Surgeons operating, and holds out a long piece of internal organ. Dog is seen waiting on his haunches for the doc. to drop the goods.

Courtroom scene with lawyer pointing to the stand. Stick figure with huge smiley face head sits there. “Now I ask you ladies and gentleman, does this look like the face of a killer?”

A lion tamer in the circus has his head in the mouth of one of his lions. Another lion is saying “Ernie’s a chicken, Ernie’s a chicken…”

Also, the one showing a chihuahua drinking espresso. The caption read, “Nervous little dogs prepare for their busy day.”

Also, the one where one dog is in the yard and another dog is in the car. The one in the car says, “And we’re going to the post office and the grocery store and the laundromat and the pharmacy and then I’M going to get neutered!” He was so excited… :slight_smile:


And axolotls.

“I wandred lonely as a clod
Picking up old cans and bottles
When all at once I came upon
A herd of lovely axolotls”

(paraphrased all to hell, I’m sure)

Thanks, Mr2001

Oh yeah, and the one where dog scientist attempted to master the doorknob.

After Dave Barry made a crack about accordians, he was sent an angry letter saying that he could be boycotted by all accordianists just like Gary Larson. Dave said in his next column that this would be horrible, seeing as Gary Larson was reduced to drawing pictures of cows all the time as a result of this. It’s a lot funnier if you read Dave Barry’s column, but the mere mention of Larson by Barry makes me laugh.

Not quite. He said “I’m going to get tutored!”

Tubby school kid is going down a playground slide - Two eager little spiders have made a small web the bottom of the slide -

One says expectantly to the other

“If we can pull this off we’ll eat like kings!”

I’m a cat lover but I love the peg-legged cat (he lost both of his front legs) sitting by the piranha in a fish bowl.

Also the dead cats in the laboratory with all the computations on the walls.

I remember these Star Trek parodies Mad had (TOS, of course LOL) that cracked me up desperately at the time.

My favorite Far Side is “Butterflies From the Wrong Side of the Meadow” (tattoos and little cigarettes… well you can guess)