Favorite 'little people' actors

I quite like Meredith Eaton (Family Law, Boston Legal).

Linda Hunt is not *that *short (145 cm), but she does have dwarfism. And she’s a great actress.

[spoiler]The thing is … the character in the GoT book series is very much a dwarf as well as being ugly and later much, much more scarred up than Dinklage is in the TV series. In that case, it was a dwarf character being played by someone of abnormally short stature in real life. Making that character someone of normal stature would have been a HUGE deviation from the book series.

So… yes, Dinklage may have been hired for the role at least in part because he was a little person, but they also wanted someone who could act the part of a major character, and that possibly got him hired over a lot of other people who had the (lack of) height to fit the character.[/spoiler]

I’ve loved Meredith Eaton ever since I saw her in her very first role on NYPD Blue. I’ve always thought that she could carry a series. The only reason I didn’t give up on the new MacGyver series was because she was added to the cast.

I was very smitten with Warwick Davis from his work in Willow, his face reminded me very strongly of someone I was in a long-distance romance with. As for distinguished work, I’ll go with Michael Dunn, who was very good in many things including Ship of Fools.

Another vote for Meredith Eaton. She’s adorable.