Favorite simpsons character

Yeah and at the end credits you hear his voice “Worst episode ever!” hehehe

“The idea of a walk-in closet sounds frightening. If I’m ever sittin’ at home and a closet walks in, I’m gettin’ outta there.” ~George Carlin

My favourite moments are when Troy McClure appears to introduce a movie, documentary, or other.

“Hi, I’m Troy McClure. You may remember me from…”

But my favourite character is Lisa. She’s not the funniest, but she’s the only one with intelligence. I think Little Lisa should get more respect.

It’s hard to pick a favorite…Ralph Wiggum, Apu, Dr. Nick, Groundskeeper Willie, Gil, the Van Houtens…all great. But, I’d have to go with…

Professor Frink! Professor Frink!
He makes you laugh! He makes you think!

Every time I see him, he makes me laugh…

Its gotta be Homer…I mean just listen to this:
Homer:Hi… ummm… let me have some of those porno magazines… large box
of condoms…a bottle of old Harper… a couple of those panty shields [quickly] and some
illegal fireworks [back to normal] and one of those disposable enemas.
Ehhh… make it two.

Marge goes through Homer’s purchase. “I don’t know what you have
planned for tonight, but count me out.”

I’m with John. Captain McCallister all the way! “Darrh! I hate the sea and everything in it.”

I also love anyone who says “Yoink!” Especially that sumo wrestler from the Simpsons go to Japan episode.

Notables: Abe Simpson, Jasper, Snake, Chief Wiggum.

I remember only one, but he died in one of the Halloween episodes, the one where Principal Skinner cooks the kids to solve the problem of too many kids in detention. Remember Uderbroten?

Then he is lost again in the episode where the school goes to the Civil War Reenactment, and they have to run off because they were “learning for free.”

To stay on topic, I have to say that I like the comic book guy, he’s so damn funny when he turns on the sarcasm.

Lisa: Can I sit here?
CBG: YES, if you answer me these questions three. Question the first . . .

The facts, although interesting, are irrelevent.

I like Gil. Ol Gil is gonna finally make a sale… (the poor schlep)

Arnold, Troy’s intro’s are pretty funny:

"You may remember me from such educational films as Designated Drivers: the Life-Saving Nerds and Lead Paint: Tastly but Deadly

Damn, tastly? Tasty, too.

It has to be Marge! I figure the mother of three children deserves kudos in any case, and lasting as long as she has in a household with the obstreperous Bart and the irrepressible Lisa and Maggie–not to mention that clod of a husband, Homer–doesn’t seem like anything an average woman can do.
Marge, for reasons known only to her or to Matt Groening, insists on wearing that blue cotton-candy bouffant, pearls, and a strapless dress–around the house. And she seems to have just enough of a figure to be sexy.
But what most impresses me about Marge Simpson issues from the video game The Simpsons. Each of the four characters, with independent coin-slots and controls, has some means to attack the bad guys–and Marge seems to be the fiercest (and why not? She’s trying to get her baby Maggie back!)
Homer uses his fists.
Lisa whips the bad guys with her jump rope.
Bart conks the meanies with his skateboard.
But Marge wheels a stand-up vacuum cleaner along–and she picks it up to conk the villains as if she were using a sledgehammer!!

Gotta love that Ralph Wiggum. Witness these lines:

“Me fail English? That’s umpossible!”

“Hi SuperNintendo Chalmers! I’m learnding!”

See a shirtless Homer in last week’s episode:
“Daddy, look! That man has bosoms like Mommy” Chief Wiggum-“Yeah, don’t I wish”

I choo choo choose Ralph.

Disco Stu. Likes disco music.

and then, of course Krusty. Krusty’s awesome.

And if the crossover episode is allowed, Jay Sherman. One of the funniest jokes, he set up: “On closer inspection, these are loafers.”

Mayor of Snerdville, the home of Mortimer Snerd

“I’m just too much for human existence – I should be animated.”
–Wayne Knight

I can’t believe no one else picked Apu. Not only that, but what about Otto?

How come no one mentioned Otto? Man! I can’t belive this!
Good quotes and stuff though! Keep 'em coming!

how did it start? well i don’t know i just feel the craving. i see the flesh and it smells fresh and it’s just there for the taking…

I second the wonders of Dr. Frink. For a while I was JFrink027@Aol.com. I especially liked the little Frink-equivalent in the Halloween episode when Lisa was shrunk down into her science project:


From the same episode: Lisa (my favorite of the nuclear Simpson family)watching the little people in the world she created-

“Oh my God! I’ve created Lutherans!”

I know that Homer is such an obvious choice, but he’s definitely my favorite. He is such a dope, but he is an incredibly sweet husband and father. The one where he thinks he’ll die from the blowfish, the one where he has to have surgery, the one where he tells of Maggie’s birth, the one where he tells about Lisa’s first sax…they all made me cry (okay, am I the only one who cries over the Simpsons sometimes?). He is so awesome.

I would be hard pressed to pick a favorite character. A lot of the minor characters have hillarious lines, and that’s what I like the most. Might as well list off some of my favorite quotes:

Marge: You have lots to live for, Moe.
Moe: Really? That’s not what Reverend Lovejoy’s been telling me.

Chief Wiggum: Ralphie, Ralphie, Ralphie. What is your fascination with daddy’s Forbidden Closet of Mystery?

Sideshow Bob: Isn’t our system of justice based on the idea that a man can change?
Chief Wiggum: (aside) Have the boys check on that.

Willie: Me retirement grease!

Marge: Homer, when you bought that dummy I asked you if it was to fake your own death and you said `no.’

Grampa Simpson: Look at Johnny Weismuller. Now, there’s a haircut you can set your watch to.

Homer: Now, Ned, don’t blame yourself. It was me who drove her from her seat. It was me that invited the lethal barrage of t-shirts. It was me that parked in the ambulance zone, thus preventing any possibility of recussitation. But you don’t see me playing the blame game.

Moe: If I ever catch you I’m gonna shove starving dogs up your butt.

Ralph: Daddy says I’m this close to living in the back yard.

Skinner: Now I don’t want to hear anything more about this bizzare coverup.

Lou: You know, I went to the McDonald’s in Shelbyville on Friday night-
Wiggum: The McWhat?
Lou: Uh, the McDonald’s. I, I never heard of it either, but they have over 2,000 locations in this state alone.
Eddie: Must’ve sprung up overnight.
Lou: You know, the funniest thing though; it’s the little differences.
Wiggum: Example.
Lou: Well, at McDonald’s you can buy a Krusty Burger with cheese, right? But they don’t call it a Krusty Burger with cheese.
Wiggum: Get out! Well, what do they call it?
Lou: A Quarter Pounder with cheese.
Wiggum: Quarter Pounder with cheese? Well, I can picture the cheese, but, uh, do they have Krusty partially gelatinated non-dairy gum-based beverages?
Lou: Mm-hm. They call ‘em, “shakes.”
Eddie: Huh, shakes. You don’t know what you’re gettin’.

Ralph: And my doctor said I wouldn’t have so many nose-bleeds if I kept my finger out of there.

Homer: There’s your giraffe, little girl.
Ralph: I’m a boy!
Homer: That’s the spirit. Never give up.

[comic book guy voice] Of course you mean Johnny Unitas. If you go back and observe the episode again, I’m sure you will find my rectification to be warranted. [/comic book guy voice]

Sorry to pick nits, Johnny…but any chance I get to emulate CBG, I gotta let 'er rip…

My all-time favorite episode is the “Cape Fear” parody. “From now on, your name is Homer Thompson.”

Quote from my favorite character (Homer): “Bart, do you want to see my new chain saw and hockey mask?!?”

Other favorites: Apu “There comes a time in a man’s life when he has to ask himself, ‘Who will float my corpse down the Ganges?’”

“Don’t look at me–I’m irrelevant.”

Does comic book guy ever get a name?

Reverend Lovejoy: I’ll see you in hell… From heaven!