Favorite Stones song?

Gonna have to go with Sympathy For the Devil, because the first time I heard it I didn’t know what it was about and it drew me in until I finally guessed his name.

So many it’s hard to choose, but I like Honky Tonk Women. But they are so prolific that it’s impossible to name one today that I won’t come back tomorrow and think I like something else more.

Now I’m curious. What is your 32nd favorite Stones song? :slight_smile:

Gimme Shelter is hard to top, but I would like to also add the previously unmentioned and generally underrated She’s So Cold.

I’m not a huge Stones fan, but my favorites are probably…

We Love You
Lady Jane
The Last Time
Gimme Shelter

I’m a bit surprised by the (relative) lack of love for Between The Buttons. I think it’s their best album.

She Smiles Sweetly (apart from being a lovely tune) is fascinating in that it has the protagonist leaning on a woman for help (as opposed to berating her for being a Stupid Girl or bragging that she’s Under His Thumb).

Pretty much what I was going to post. Tie for first between “Happy” and “Can’t You Hear Me Knocking”, tie for second between “Sympathy For The Devil” and “Gimme Shelter”.

Gimmie Shelter because it sounds greasy and thick.
Sympathy for the Devil is a close second.

Agreed. (Nice how we independently made the same observation about “She Smiled Sweetly.”)

I was obsessed with “Ruby Tuesday” when I was nine years old. “My Obsession” is utterly unique – it would sound fresh and daring even today. Even the unassuming “Miss Amanda Jones” is interesting, just for setting the template for the basic Stones sound through the 1970s and 1980s (alas).

Paint It Black

Satisfaction. #2 is the live version of Midnight Rambler.

50 in and I’m the only Jumpin Jack Flash here?

I didn’t even think it was controversial that it was about their best and one of the biggest.

I don’t remember that 500 Greatest Songs Of All Time bit a little while ago getting any controversy for placing FLASH (which, near as I can tell, never hit #1 in the US) behind HONKY TONK WOMEN and YOU CAN’T ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU WANT and GIMME SHELTER and SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL and, of course, SATISFACTION.

Not that any of that is proof that you’re wrong about it being the best, just that it casts doubt on the “controversial” part. (I mean, you’re still wrong, but you’re wrong because the right answer is WILD HORSES. ;))


“Stray Cat Blues”

It begins and ends with “Gimme Shelter.”

Satisfaction - that opening line is just fantastic, the song works on levels of materialism, sexual satisfaction so well that its almost zen.

Paint it Black

Sympathy for the devil


Gimme Shelter

However there are plenty more, tomorrow it might be differant

I have another vote for Gimme Shelter, I also really like Sympathy for the Devil.

Mother’s Little Helper
Nineteenth Nervous Breakfast
Paint It Black
She’s A Rainbow
Country Honk
Love in Vain
Gimme Shelter
Wild Horses

This is a pretty obscure track, only available on underground bootlegs, and I expect most of you will be unfamiliar with it.

Damn you, autocorrect

Dammit. Now I wish I also put “She’s A Rainbow” on this list. Ever since reading this thread yesterday (or was it two days ago), I’ve had that song stuck in my head.

Another vote for “Jumpin’ Jack Flash,” with “Brown Sugar” a close second…

…and a very close third:

“Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing In The Shadows?”