FBI Search and Seizure at Trump's Mar-A-Lago Residence (August 8, 2022)

The below article suggests:
Christian Nationalists are around 51% of the US population.
51% believe:

  1. The federal government should declare the United States a Christian nation.
  2. The federal government should advocate Christian values.
  3. The federal government should enforce strict separation of church and state.
  4. The federal government should allow the display of religious symbols in public spaces.
  5. The federal government should allow prayer in public schools.
  6. The success of the United States is part of God’s plan.

These people are organized.

We’ll see. We’re getting over our skis a bit.

ETA: We’re also getting off topic and should start a new thread to discuss potential outcomes if/when Trump is charged.

I think I posted something like you said in the “Will Trump run as Independent” (or something close) thread. And I agree it would split the right, almost shatter it, hopefully. But I’ll still wager (not really!) that. he’s on the GOP presidential 2024 ticket.

I’ll drop it, but thanks for letting me finish my thought.

Not in my experience. At least, not in the sense meant here. Christian Nationalism is just a common believe among many different groups. They aren’t formed in some sort of militia.

And they also don’t all support Trump, let alone have violent level of devotion to him. I’m pretty sure J6 was the highest number of those who did, and they clearly weren’t organized.

The groups I’m worried about are more the Proud Boys and other militia groups. Not Christian Nationalists as a whole. I was one myself at an earlier point in my life, and all it meant was that I constantly prayed and would carry my Bible in school.

I think this is one reason the DOJ has been so dedicated in their prosecution of the insurrectionists and their leaders. Cut off as many of the the snakes’ heads as they can before charging the Orange Puff Adder.

Do we have another open thread discussing potential outcomes of Trump being indicted? If not, we should start one.

Also, Founders Ministries is basically saying, ‘We say most people agree with us!’ It’s like Trump saying ‘Most people believe I’m the Real President™.’

Just started a new thread to discuss this issue in particular. Here:

[Bolding mine.]

I think someone left out the word “not” from #3, since it completely contradicts every other point.

These people are delusional.

Ask 'em & report back.

Agreed, because most of them have seen what happens if you riot for Trump; You get thrown under the bus and face a nice prison term.

Looks like this may be more the case, than any direct statements about Trump and the documents.

According to a WaPo article:

Only 40?

It’s the compromised second draft!

He should take back the flag while he is at it. Say something like all people who truely believe in Democracy should fly an American flag between now and the midterms. And then hug and kiss one.

Gonna be a super bad day for the loser who has to convert all 40 pages into pictures for Trump.

The movement has become somewhat more radical in recent times and has in the opinion of many abandoned Christianity and become heterodox religiously and even more overtly political. I find them to be a scary group with extremely nefarious intentions. They specifically call for actions that oppose democracy as we know it. While they do not yet practice weapons training-- they are quite militant about accomplishing their goals.

I recommend reading this article on the matter. (I have others if you become interested in how they have evolved and grown and how intentional their efforts have become in the political world. In fact there are other articles on the topic in the thread linked below.

You’re assuming that TFG hasn’t already stolen the document.

The large majority of them were not, no. But there was a very serious core of activists who were organized, and who had a specific plan they were attempting to carry out. This is the few dozen people who participated in Capitol advance scouting and who had maps of the building and who upon breach made beelines for the offices of key personnel with the intent of capturing them. These relative handful deliberately surrounded themselves with a mob of usefully clueless MAGA-dolts as conscious camouflage for their very targeted effort. In some cases, they came within literal yards of succeeding.

This is how all radicalized groups operate. When al-Qaeda set up a training camp with a thousand people, they never intended every one of them to strap on a vest or hijack an aircraft. They knew they’d be cherry-picking a few ultra-zealous, ultra-reliable fighters for the critical missions. The rest of the camp was disposable rabble not worth a second thought. It’s always the way.

Don’t be misled by a few thousand disorganized dummies into generalizing and dismissing the threat. That’s not how radical terrorist orgs function.

I just wanted to amend my previous post after finding a somewhat less biased source.

Replace “resigned”, with “retired”, and replace “shortly after” with “a month after”.

None of my usual sources of news “Wash Post, NY Times, CNN” have anything about this story so either the deep state got to them or more likely the whole thing is a big nothing burger.