Federal Judges - religious distribution

There’s been lots of talk recently about the role of religion in selection of Federal Judges. I would like to know if any statistics are available regarding the religious affiliation of Federal Judges. That is, how many Christian, Jewish, and so forth. If such a database exists, I would like to know.

No such data on Judges in Hawaii is kept as it would be considered not only superfuous but impertinant! :mad:

Requiring judges to disclose such information publicly would probably be construed as a violation of the First Amendment. Judges should only be selected on legal merit. Anything else is counter to the needs of a fair and equitable judiciary.

I agree that religion should be kept out of judicial politics, unfortunately, there has been considerable talk recently from the Christian religious right that our federal judiciary needs an injection of godliness. My guess is that the judiciary is already dominated by Christians.

Perhaps religion stays out of judicial politics in Hawaii, but here in Alabama, it just ain’t so (remember Roy Moore). Routinely, any judge running for office puts his church-credentials out on the table while campaigning. I’d say any judge who tried to keep his religious practices to himself would be at a severe disadvantage on election day.

Here’s an example of what I’m talking about - Priscilla Owen, the Sunday school teacher .

I’m not talking about requirements for dislosure, I’m just wondering if anybody is keeping score.

Further to this; running for any office at all in Alabama (and having a hope in hell of winning) requires a religious declaration from the candidate. Any candidate that refuses to give one (or I suspect said anything other than protestant christian) has effectively shot themselves in the foot.

It sucks most mightily, but there you go. Personally, all other things being equal, I would rather vote for an irreligious candidate. Not a chance here.

This sampling might be pretty small, but according to the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty:

Thanks, Liberal, just the sort of thing I was looking for.

Please don’t perpetuate those stereotypes. The Don Siegelman, Governor of Alabama from 1999-2003, is a Catholic.

Fair comment about Siegelman. I stand by my statement about making a religious declaration of some sort though - which I find rather ‘icky’. However, in the interests of not hijacking this thread I won’t take it further.

Are there any precendents for judges’ rulings being overturned on the grounds that they cited religion in their rulings?