Female Popes

In one of his classic columns about female popes Cecil wrote the following sentence:

By this is he saying that his teenaged mistress Marozia became a pope, or that the illegitimate son became a pope?

The son.

Ah! Got it. Thank you.

If you are interested in further reading check out E.R.Chamberlin’s book The Bad Popes, it has ALL the dirt in it! :smiley:

Also The Legend of Pope Joan by Peter Stanford. Its a well researched book presenting both pros and cons to the legend.

Also, in the column Cecil states as regards the St Joan legend:

The story is false, although it was possibly inspired by actual events, about which more in a moment.

But then seemingly fails to follow up on this statement. Unless I’m being particularly ignorant and missing something from the column, what are these actual events that supposedly inspired the legend?


Here is what Cecil said later in the column.

Thanks FBG - I must have had temporary selective blindness, but I couldn’t for the life of me see that…


Cool user name, Oswald. I wonder how many people get the reference?

This is a bit of a hijack, but it’s about the column. Anybody know about the historical accuracy of Mario Puzo’s The Family? It’s about Rodrigo Borgia (Pope Alexander VI) and his children, Cesare and Lucrezia. I have it here, and read it about 2 years ago. It’s chock full of incest and sex in general. I wonder how much is fact, how much is fiction, and how much is conjecture. Any ideas? (Based on Cecil’s column and my memory, the major details are correct.)

[Larry, any relation?]

Accusations of incest against the Borgias were common, & they occured in more than 1 generation of em.

But back then, characters were smeared in ways that would embaress Karl Rove, so who knows?

Well, Una’s one of Cecil’s little helpers…

And now - back to the thread…


Nope, I’m not even Italian or Spanish. (Spain being the Borgia’s country of origin.) I just happened to be reading a book on Rennaisance history when I signed up for the dope.

BTW, there’s a new bio of Lucrezia out. It’s gotten mixed reviews.