Feminist Cartoonist Book

This guy I know was telling me about this book he saw on Amazon.com, published fairly recently, written by a feminist cartoonist about the cartooning industry. I love comic books and feminism, so I was pretty psyched, only I don’t know the author’s name. He told me it was Alison Bechdel (who does Dykes to Watch Out For) but I don’t think it is her. Amazon and Powells turn up only comic collections. I don’t really know the guy well enough to call him and ask about it, and I dunno when I’ll see him again.

Is anyone familiar with this title?

And I’ve tried looking for just “Feminist+cartoonish+whatever” on google, but since I don’t know what I’m looking for, it’s not much help.

It might be The Diary of a Teenage Girl: An Account in Words and Pictures by Phoebe Gloeckner, profiled in current and recent editions of salon.com. I don’t think it’s about the comics industry per se, but it’s been getting a lot of coverage recently.

You might also want to look into the Twisted Sisters anthologies. Edited by Aline Kominsky-Crumb and Diane Noomin, these focus on the bad girl end of the feminist alt/underground comics spectrum (as opposed to the politcal end, represented by Wimmin’s Comix regulars like Trina Robbins and Lee Marrs).