Ferret housing

In an effort to spare a 100 gallon aquarium being turned into a ferret house, I seek plans for an inside ferret cage. One occupant, poop cleaning up a major consideration.

Oy, the aquarium is a bad idea - ammonia fumes tend to build up more quickly, because there’s less ventilation. You really want a wire cage.

One thing to keep in mind is that you can build vertically, to save yourself some floor space. Put a small ramp between the levels and the ferret can happily climb up and down. Hang a hammock from the ceiling of the cage, too - ferrets love sleeping in hammocks.

Removable, easy-to-wash litter pans and/or flooring is a must.

My ferrets were a PITA about water bowls and I learned that they can handle using a rodent-style bottle, which cuts down on splashy messes.

I would suggest the method I found online and used for my rabbits’ cage, but ferrets would easily either slip through the holes in “stacking cube” wire frames, or accidentally choke/hurt themselves trying to slip out. You could perhaps use this as an idea for building and use pieces of hardware cloth (like chicken wire but tougher and with smaller holes) or similar material for the sides. Whatever you use, make sure that neither you nor a ferret will be cut by sharp edges.

Do not use wire flooring for the cage floor; it is tough on their feet. Consider linoleum pieces or something similar.

You can make it mobile by attaching it to a thick piece of particleboard of some kind which you’ve affixed big solid caster wheels to. Makes it easier to move it around, clean it out, etc.

I made double doors down each end using cut-to-length wire shelving similar to this, and mounted them vertically. Used zip ties as the “hinges”, not too tight, and closed them with carabiner clips. This makes it easy to get in and clean out the cage.

Thank you both.
I will forward the thread to Mrs. Plant, owner of the little bas…er, cute little pet.
I looked for plans on the web, and indeed looked at rabbit hutches.



Ferrets can fit through a hole the size of a quarter (give or take), so keep that in mind when choosing the gap width between the bars.

From experience, flexible 3-4" diameter hose (not sure what the official name is. It’s a flexible black plastic hose for irrigation or septic or something) is just the right size for a ferret run connecting cages located in different parts of the house.

It’s fairly simple to connect it to wire cages. Cut a hole in the wire cage, leaving enough wire in place to fold around the hose to hold it.

The ferrets thought it a great place to sleep, too.