Fewer days, more rants (February Mini-Rants)

I just want to say that this is a fantastic band name.

My dad the WWII naval officer always said he knew career sailors who’'d sailed around the world, but got seasick on the ferry across Lake Michigan.

The other day I saw a TV episode which tangentially included an all-girl rock band named the “Rough Sects”.

Their logo including the female symbol with the cross part sort of exaggerated to imply a religious connection. Although both the costumes and the fake songs they (badly) performed were more on the skanky than the churchly end of the spectrum.

I continue to have problems sleeping at night and staying awake during the day. Last night, I woke up at bout 4:30 and never quite managed to get back to sleep. I’ve been exhausted all day and unable to nap.

I try to channel that energy into half-awake dreams about old lovers… I’m not more rested, but happy.

I was supposed to go to Querétaro, Mexico for a wonderful evening of excessive tacos & cervesa w my coworkers. Instead I ended up of F***ing nearly-freezing Fresno CA to improve the life of some other guy who ended up in Querétaro on my behalf while I went to Fresno on his behalf.

Hint: Fresno sucks. Always has, always will. Downtown Querétaro OTOH …

Yay. Tornado warning on the phone…

Does anyone know if they have wi-fi in Oz?

Probably just in the Emerald City.

I always thought Dorothy’s weather problem was in Kansas, not Emerald City. Shows what I know :man_facepalming:

I was responding to a question about Oz, not Kansas.

When I lived in Kansas, we still had dialup. But that was over 20 years ago.

It’s a hijack, but I always thought Philadelphia was ‘The Emerald City’ because of the shiny green skyscrapers you can see as you approach the Ben Franklin Bridge.

[ /Hijack]


(Oops, been in a small town in Africa with no internet… and the mini-rants switched to a new month! Who woulda thunk?)

I know it’s not February any more but I thought about this prophetic comment recently. Due to the amount of Stouffer’s I’ve been buying, I really am getting a bit tired of it … LOL! :laughing:

I actually thought of you last week when I was at the grocery store and the end display had some Stouffer’s on sale. I remembered liking a couple of them when I was young, so I decided to grab a couple. The spinach souffle was just as I remembered it. But the meatloaf/mashed potato dinner had almost no flavor. Maybe it never did?

Glad for the input on the spinach souffle; I saw it in the freezer section a few days ago and almost bought it but was afraid of disappointment. I’ll give it a try.

I think I must have had the meatloaf at some point long ago because I have a mental note not to buy it. Not all Stouffer’s stuff is a winner. The Salisbury steak is much better. One of my favourite little fast dinners is the Salisbury steak, with the mashed potatoes then piled up to the side and the space filled either with vegetables or a small Caesar salad. It even looks rather attractive, like a decent airline meal, especially since they switched to using white trays.