Fictional name brand products

Krebstar products, from Nickelodeon’s (I think?) The Adventures of Pete and Pete - the made everything, from radios (Krebstar 2000, IIRC) to guitars to food. Man, I miss that show - kinda “Malcolm in the Middle” styley, but better…and earlier.

In the Simpsons’ freezer:


My husband was very amused by the can of smeat in Waterworld.

Stephen J. Cannel used Hamburger Heaven in The Greatest American Hero and The A-Team.

Soylent was the ingredients of the product - soybeans and lentils, the different colors were different flavors and textures. There was no cannibalism in the book the movie was based on.

From Full Throttle (PC), there’s Corley Motors–the best, last name in motorcycles.

From [bFallout** there’s a lot of my favorites. Nuka-Cola, (The official soft drink of the apocalypse!), Chrysalis Motors (Maker of the very reliable Chrysalis Highwayman used in Fallout 2), and Vaul-Tek.

From Final Fantasy 7, there’s the Shinra Electric Power Company. (Which has been dabbling in a lot more than electricity lately)

My name

I always imagined it spelled “Tchotchkes”. And don’t forget Flinger’s!

From Monty Python:

Whizzo Butter, containing 10% more less.
Scum, the first combination salad dressing and foot ointment
Ano-Gum, the first gum to keep those other cheeks fresh, all week long
Baldy-Gel: it’ll get your head so clean you can eat off it.
Crelm Toothpaste, with the miracle ingredient ‘Fraudulin’
Shrill Petrol, with the new additive GLC 9424075 (after 6 pm, GLC 9424047)
The Whizzo Quality Assortment (unspeakably disgusting chocolates)
Heart Attacko Margarine
Tiger Brand Coffee // is a real treat // even tigers prefer a cup of it // to real meat.
Confuse-a-Cat Limited, Europe’s leading cat-confusing service
Crackpot Religions Ltd.
Schoolboys Life Assurance Company
Verrifast Airline, Ltd.

Hyperelastic, you can’t mention “Confuse-a-Cat” without their subsidiary companies, “Amaze-a-Vole” and “Bewilderbeest.”

Personally, I vote for all the product brand names in the Sam and Max comics, especially “It Came from the Cereal Aisle.” Some of the cereal names I can remember:

Flakes of Lead Paint
Lobstah Fahts

I’d like to add the “Scud” line of disposable assassins, from the comic of the same name.

Ashtar’s right about Fallout. I just finished replaying FO2 a couple hours ago, and there’s pop cultural references all over that bad boy - but this is not the place :wink:

Hmm… just thought of “Glutton Man” frozen dinner, in a Far Side cartoon (being bought by a VERY big man, of course)

But I really want to talk about Wacky Pack cards, which parodied real products. There were:
[li]Marshmallow Flunk[/li][li]Super Cigar Crisps[/li][li]Decomposition notebooks[/li][li]Slaytex living gloves[/li][li]Sorry Wrap[/li][li]L’oggs panty hose[/li][li]Drowney fabric softener[/li][li]Dampers diapers (“keeps baby wet and uncomfortable”)[/li][li]All-brain cereal[/li][li]Minute Lice[/li][li]Skimpy peanut butter[/li][li]Foolite detergent[/li][li]Clammay soap[/li][li]Cover Ghoul[/li][li]Commie cleanser[/li][li]Fishbone dressing[/li][li]Grave Train dogfood[/li][li]NeverReady batteries[/li][li]Smith Sisters coughdrops[/li][/ul]

I could go on and on…

They’re kind of bland until you put sugar on them:p

How about Crystal Gravy?

From “Gene Roddenberry’s Andromeda”, Sparky Cola, which has the following warning label: “WARNING: Do not operate heavy machinery or navigate the slipstream while under the influence of this beverage.” :eek:

Oops, I Crapped My Pants Adult Diapers

David Letterman had the breakfast cereal “Judge Ito’s Bits-O-Beard” and the classic “Big-Ass Ham”.

Oh! Bad Idea Jeans!

"Normally I wear protection, but then I thought, “When am I gonna make it back to Haiti?”

Be sure to stop by a Friday’s style restaurant called “The Legend of T.J. O’Pootertoot”. Order the house special . . . pooterballs. What’s in it? “It’s pooter-meat…with a taste that’s oddly familiar.”

HeHeHe always my personal favorite!

Along those lines, can we include The Onion’s “J.T. McPickleshitters?” I always get a laugh when they make a reference to that.

New Shimmer:

“It’s a floor wax!”

“No, it’s a dessert topping!”