Fidel has retired

Various news outlets report it, the BBC just has an article longer than a line at this point. I doubt anything will change.

You know he must be really sick if he didn’t give a five-hour oration announcing his retirement.

All I can say is that’s a fucking sweet track jacket he’s wearing in the OP’s link.

I’ve seen pics of El Maximo wearing that garb before, and really wanted to find one of those suits for sale when I was down there, but never did. I saw a couple guys wearing them in the airport; they were likely athletes competing in some kind of international competition.

Fidel is quite an interesting character; the Cuban people don’t seem to know anything about him; where he lives, where he works, if he has a special lady, if he’s even alive. Even though I’m probably the last guy anyone would accuse of being red, I’ve always kind of admired Fidel, in that he seems to be a "true believer” and seems very modest, unlike most if not all dictators around the world.

I doubt much will change, at least in the short run. I’d like to see Cuba move toward a Vietnam model, and the Miami folks knock off their grudge, but I’m not holding my breath.

He’s stepping down as leader so he can focus on his b-boy crew. And yes, I want a Castro track jacket.

After all these years I have to wonder how he’s going to like retirement. Sure, for a while it’ll be great to be able to play golf and fire up the barbecue everyday. But he’ll quickly get bored with that and find himself pestering Mrs Castro around the house. And then he’ll start hanging around the old office giving advice and making everyone uncomfortable. I think it’d be best for him to get involved in some volunteer activity. Maybe Hugo Chavez could give him a province to run.