Fiendishly obscure actor ID: The culprit in cartoon "Who Killed Who? [sic] (1943)

Video here If you don’t want to watch the whole cartoon, at the end in a brief live action segment the culprit is revealed to be. . . .

Well, who the hell is it?

My best guess is that it’s most likely Tex Avery. That would make the most sense. Only problem is that there aren’t a lot of photos of him floating around, and those that do don’t look a whole lot like the actor( to my eyes, anyway).

Side note: Some of the voices are supplied by an obscure voice actor Kent Rogers, who died at age of 20 in 1944 (apparently a WWII training plane crash accident). He had done a ton of voice work in his short life, and may well have gone on for many more years had his life not been cut short.

Robert Emmett O’Connor?

Looks like him but “I dood it” and “If I dood it” are Red Skelton catch phrases (Copied by Bugs Bunny) and I’m not seeing the connection.

Definitely not Tex Avery.

1943 magazine photo:

He’s the guy behind the desk at the beginning.

And is the payoff that he then turns out to be the culprit at the end?

Wikipedia seems to agree. That’s the whole gag?

Yeah, wikipedia has an article on this cartoon, with a fairly complete plot summary. It states that the live action host (played by Robert Emmett O’Connor, as stated above) who introduces the story returns at the end, revealed to be the killer. Watching the video, it’s definitely the same guy, wearing the same suit, tie, and pocket square.

That seems to be the joke–the guy at the beginning who was moralizing about how “crime does not pay” turns out to be a criminal.

“I dood it” was indeed a Red Skelton catchphrase and was used as a title as one of his movies.

I saw the cartoon a couple of weeks ago on MeTV. Came in partway through and recognized Avery’s style at once. There’s also a Red Skelton reference: a red skeleton is one of the creatures haunting the house.

I ended up watching I Dood It on Youtube. Eleanor Parker is one of film’s greatest dancers.

I’ve shared the video with my FB group for animation, some of whom are professional voice actors or descended from animators. Haven’t heard anything yet but they should be able to definitively say one way or another.

Eleanor Powell.

I have seen this cartoon many times and it has always been clear the same live-action actor was featured in the beginning and end.

Well, thanks. Maybe it’s just the hair (and my old eyes), but the guy in the intro looks a good 10-20 years older than the perp, although side-by-side comparisons shows a closer resemblance.

Definitively say what? What’s still in question here?

You know how Wikipedia is. At the time, there was still the question of whether or not it’s Red Skelton at the end. :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s definitely Red Skelton

On no planet is that Red Skelton. It’s the actor from the beginning of the cartoon.

The IMDb doesn’t list Skelton in the cast and agrees with Wikipedia that the host is Robert Emmitt O’Connor, who appears at the beginning. His hair isn’t even red, for Pete’s sake!

There is a joke about a red skeleton, but that’s it.

If anyone’s still interested, a side by side comparison. While I do now agree that they seem to be the same person, it still seems to me that the person in the intro looks a little older. Red Skeleton was a red herring. I was wondering if it might be some other long-forgotten face from pop culture.

He’s even wearing the same suit and tie. He just looks more serious in the first picture.

Plus it makes sense as a gag. The stern-faced announcer at the beginning, “Crime Does Not Pay,” and him 'fessing up at the end.