Fifth Disease (Really, that's what it's called)

And *spoil * them. What you do with nieces & nephews you spoil them like mad, so they love you best. :slight_smile:

I’m with Swampy on the kid issue. I’m particulary fond of ramping them up on caffiene and sugar and then sending them home. This achieves two things: 1. Makes me the bestest aunt ever, as far as the kids are concerned and 2., annoys my sisters, which, as big sister, is my god-given duty. I’m also fond of shipping noisy and/or oversized toys back for Christmas or birthdays. I’m 3000 miles away; that drum kit doesn’t bother me in the least.

Sunspace, fess up. You’ve been lurking in the MMP for a while now. I don’t think I’ve seen you here before, but you’ve captured the tone way too well to be a complete n00b.

(Psst! Fellow MMPers: I think we may have a suck… er, that is, a volunteer for initiation. I’ve still got the goat (although he still smells a little of peanut butter); who has the duck and the chandelier? And are we picking up new tutus and wading boots this time or did we decide the old ones were still ok?)

Actually, that’s my first formal MMP. I’m not new to the Dope or to the MMP area though, so I don’t think I need initation.:slight_smile: I’ve been helping out in Hal Briston’s area, mostly with the squid, for some time now. I…

Hey! What are you doing! That doesn’t go there! Wait! Aiiieeee…

Don’t worry, sun, you’ll be right as rain in a day or a month or two.

beck, best wishes for your surgery. My boss had his done a little less than a year ago and wishes he’d done it sooner. Come back as soon as you can.

Kids are like the lottery, you just never know whether you’re gonna get the millions or get struck by lightning.

Hey, informal MMPoll here. Anybody else watch Orange County Choppers? I’ve been hooked for about two months now and it’s my new bestest-show-I-watch-alla-time. Mikey is my favorite! It cracks me up, I tell ya! Does this mean I’m not a girly-girl?

The good uncle with the great presents. That’s me! Now, I’m working on being the good great uncle with the great presents. See, my youngest niece is 14. The next to youngest just got married. Da nephew and the two older nieces are all married with younguns.

Anaamika rotten they were spoiled til they got cranky or started actin’ sick. Then I handed em back and said, “It’s broke. Fix it.” :smiley: Winnie I never got em loud noisy toys cause my sister and my brothers are mean. They woulda sent the toys along with the kids when they came to see Unca Swampy. So, I didn’t buy stuff like that out of self defense.

Hey Sunspace, welcome to the MMP. Send beer and cookies and burly men to me. Send chocolate to FairyChatMom. Also be sure to stop by and see FCM she has a lovely welcoming gift that is sure to light up your life.

Maybe you don’t, but we might; we let the last one get away with just a warning. Of course, I think he got stuck with the chandelier, so the “get away” part is debatable.

Umm…squid? Do I want to know?

In the meantime, allow me to introduce you to our other Torontonian (is that the right word?), Lissla Lissar, who apparently hasn’t had an opportunity to poke her head in and say “Hi” yet.

…Saaayyy, you wouldn’t happen to be one of her many husbands, would you?

Hej no prob! Beer, cookies, burly men, and chocolate sent. (I hope I got the right addresses on the right packages.)

:: wanders off, possibly in the direction of FCM, but it’s hard to tell ::

Then I must totally have the wrong idea, but I hope that’s OK. I just came in here to say:

There’s a piece of amaretto cheesecake at home with my name on it. And it sounds like the best thing in the world right now.

Oh, cheesecake!

Oh, and, Rue, there’s nothing wrong with Ron that a proper wand won’t fix. Don’t go getting down on the poor lad just because he has inferior equipment to work with.

My prediction: He will be head of the quidditch team.

Yes, I do have my book reserved for first-day delivery, why do you ask?

(AND: tickets to the local Serenity preview!!!)

No, you’ve got it right. Anarchy is the only rule here.

Although having amaretto cheesecake and not bringing enough for every one here might be breaking a couple unspoken rules. I’d watch your back, if I were you. Better yet, keep an eye your cheesecake. :smiley:

Stop it with the logic and well-thought-out reasoning!

Out of all the sibs, it’s just me and the Little Woman with kids. Everyone else gets to play Cool Aunt or Uncle (depending on who it is). It’s like there was this pro-creational game of chicken and we blinked first.

I blame society.

Got any extra chocolate? Send some my way! Beer is optional, but men would be nice (although I prefer my men more cuddly than burly).

You can lick the lid. :smiley:

:: scribbles address labels ::
Chocolate and men sent. You’ll have to download the beer, though. The LCBO doesn’t ship transborder.

That’s all I need for a good time! :smiley:

I had fifth disease & chicken pox & mumps and a whole bunch of other childhood diseases when I was a small person but hardly ever a cold. Now I catch every damn bug that is going around at least twice.

Good to see Bobbio’s super healing powers are doing him the world of good!

Stoopid rain - I had my heat on all day yesterday and was wrapped up in blankies and to day it is 70 American degrees! There are some days I give up on Wyoming.

Oh. I also hate Monday’s however it is almost Thursday which means it is almost time for me to go off call which means it is almost my days off! Yay!

Sorry carry on with what ever you wer doing.

Someone mentioned beer & men? Where do I sign up?

You would think that a horny single English girl wouldn’t have any trouble finding a man round here. HA! Yeah right!

I’m sorry, I don’t know how I missed your post, Wintermute.

We’ve been using plastic plants during that phase. Less expensive and easier to clean, you know. But I can’t deny that a chandelier has style.

No. [sub]I don’t want to give anyone ideas when I might be on the receiving end, so to speak.[/sub]

Alas, I am not. We met at the High Park DopeFest a couple of summers ago, and yet, in a tragic turn of events, she went and married someone else, just because she knew him and was interested in him.

What a world.

Howdy. I’m of English descent too. :slight_smile: How you doin’, forsooth, nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more?

If she doesn’t want you, I’ll take you. I (think I’ve) seen your picture.