Film Bloopers most people missed.

I’m not very good at spotting film bloopers. I prefer to concentrate on the story and action in the film. It’s fun seeing stills of bloopers that I had never noticed before.

My favorite is the crew member in the cowboy hat. It strikes me funny that Johnny Depp is earnestly saying the corny line ‘On deck, you scabrous dogs,’ and the crew is milling around in t-shirts and sunglasses. The silliness of the situation can’t be lost on the actor. A middle aged guy playing pirates with plastic swords and funny hats. Great way to make a living if you’re lucky enough to get hired.

I’ve found quite a few, but all of them were contributed to IMDb so I can’t prove any claim to being the spotter. I might go riffle through my user log for the choice ones.

Ooh, I found one!

(Sorry, couldn’t resist.)

One I noticed when I first saw it:

In Victor/Victoria, Julie Andrews says to James Garner, “Can you relate to that?”

The phrase is an anachronism. The movie is set in 1934; the first cite in the OED is from 1947, and the usage only became common in the 1960s.

In The Hurt Locker a US soldier sees an Iraqi recording him with a video camera and says something like, “He’s getting ready to put me on YouTube.”
The movie is set in 2004 but YouTube wasn’t launched until 2005.

In the TV show The Wild Wild West a jet contrail is visible in a few outdoor shots.

In the truly awful Dirty Dozen TV series (1988), one of the GIs shouted “Man, you were awesome up there on that horse!” after a mounted encounter with a German patrol.

Well, gag me with a spoon…! :smack:

This happened all the time in the old Daniel Boone series, and probably every TV Western ever filmed, too.

The one that comes to mind right away is the movie (can’t recall the name) about the guy who is running naked from some savages who are chasing him. In various scenes you can see vehicles passing by on a road in the near distance, and in one scene you can see a crew member standing in some bushes.

This one is fairly well known, but in Silence of the Lambs (which has quite a few errors) the Officer Pembry, is introduced as Office Petrie.

The Naked Prey?

From my IMDb record:

In Vertigo, if Carlotta had committed suicide, she could not have been buried in consecrated ground at Mission Dolores.

In Alice Doesn’t Live Here Any More, she knocks the alarm clock to the floor. Later, without anyone having moved out of bed, the clock is back on the nightstand.

In Flyboys, the bottle on the table is a squat white one in long shots, and a tapered cognac bottle in close-ups. Also: the Fokker DR.1 entered service well after the time shown in the movie, and most were painted standard colors, not the bright colors of Richtofen’s Flying Circus.

In Kindergarten Cop, “John Kimble” is a very odd name for an Austrian immigrant. Kimble is Irish or Welsh, a variant of Campbell. (The character is established as Austrian, quite a stretch for Arnie.)

In the original Andromeda Strain, the bug eats both human flesh and a plastic with similar qualities. The same mutation in the lab eats only the plastic seals, with no effect on humans.

Sorry to pick nits, but the bug was mutating so rapidly in the different locations that anything was possible at any time.

Gotta love that bell.

One that I noticed instantly, seeing the film in the theater at age 10:

Indy and Sallah take the headpiece of the Staff of Ra to the old man in Cairo, in order to have him read the inscriptions to them. After the old man reads them the stern warning not to disturb the Ark, Indy prompts him to find how long the staff needs to be.

(approximate quotes)

Old Man: Here, it says six kadam.
Indy: That’s about 72 inches. (Note that a kadam is apparently just a foot.)
Old Man: But! (flips over the headpiece) Take back one kadam to honor the Hebrew god whose Ark this is.
Indy: Wait, Sallah, did you say Belloch’s headpiece only had markings on one side?
Sallah: Yes, the headpiece was the same, except for around the edges, which was rougher, and had markings only on one side.
Indy: Belloch’s staff is too long…
Indy and Sallah: They’re digging in the wrong place!
(Sallah starts to sing Gilbert & Sullivan.)

And after all this deduction, apparently indicating a five foot staff, we see Indy in the map room with…a staff that’s at least a foot taller than Harrison Ford himself. :smack:

True and maybe the valid explanation. OTOH, even Crichton avoided the question when it was raised - I think it’s just one of his logic/scripting flubs.

It seems very unlikely that two mutations would arise in the same short time, one of which would eat Plast-O-Flesh and long pig, and one of which would only dissolve the same rubber compound.

:dubious: All of those “errors” seem more like someone just wasn’t paying attention to the film. And the officer introduced is Sergent Patrick, not Pembry. Pembry is a different character.

Many people thought that movie was a documentary. This scene alone proves it wasn’t.

There’s a movie-long blooper in “127 Hours”. Anyone else notice that the actor’s facial hair never changes throughout the movie? Don’t think Aron Ralston brought a razor with him.

Indy was anticipating the grail adventure and making himself humble before G-d by going into the tomb a small man… only 4"1’.

There are so many that it could take a lifetime to go over them. I’m an aficionado of Westerns so here are a few of the ones which I have caught and always catch:

[li]Pane glass instead of wave glass - Pane glas wasn’t invented until the late 19th century and wasn’t commonly used until the 20th. Any Western which doesn’t have wave glass windows is historically inaccurate.[/li][li]Shirts with a full set of buttons/Pants with zippers/Pants with belt loops all the way around - All were fashion designs from the 20th, not the 19th, century.[/li][li]Roads which are clearly created by modern construction equipment - Horse trails are not pan flat and roads in the Old West would be wagon-rutted. If they are not, then it’s clear that a grader has been used and that’s a 20th century invention.[/li][li]Bat wing doors on saloons - While these did exist, they were rarely used as most towns were dusty and that type of door would do nothing to keep the dust out of the bar. Also, they are used in Westerns when it’s clear that it’s cold outside. Not going to happen as it would make the patrons very uncomfortable to drink in that cold. Bars had regular doors.[/li][li]The Searchers - John Wayne goes looking for his niece in what is obviously Monument Valley. The Comanche were a tribe whose range was from Northern Mexico into Southern Kansas, with their primary home being what is now West Texas. While a few might have wandered the almost 400 miles to Monument Valley, the Navajo and Hopi residents of that area would have had strenuous objections to their presence. Probably murderous objections.[/li][li]Straight and even teeth (with none missing) - Sorry, but dentistry didn’t catch on among the masses until the latter part of the 20th century (after WWII). Straight and even teeth were uncommon before then and especially so in the Old West.[/li][li]Lever action rifles prior to the Civil War - While a single manufacturer (Volcano) did make a lever action weapon prior to the Civil War, it was expensive and commonly thought to be of poor quality. Winchesters and lever action Henry repeating rifles were not common until the mid 1870s[/li][li]Bras on female characters - Sorry, they weren’t commonly worn until the 20th century.[/li][/ol]

By the looks of the little round scar on Brad Pitt’s shoulder in Troy, it seems there was a polio-vaccinating fish in the river his mother dipped him in.