Films with surreal narrators

For those who have seen Do the Right Thing, you may remember the three old black men who sit at the corner and proclaim ‘what a waste’- they are meant to be, in many opinions, like the three narrators in a Greek tragedy of some sort. My question has nothing to do with this movie: have there been any movies anyone can think of where the narrators exist in their own universe outside the story but pop up to talk about the story throughout the movie?
The only two that come to mind are the Chris Rock comedy Head of State in which the singer guy appears to sing something like ‘he’s the head of state…’ but he barely talked about the story, and of course Something about Mary’s unforgettable musicians- probably the most unforgettable narrators of their type in any film. Care to list any others?

The Chordettes in Little Shop of Horrors.
The bath house singers in Zero Patience.

Woody Allen’s Mighty Aphrodite has a literal Greek chorus commenting on the action.

Not sure if I get quite what your talking about, but the cowboy in The Big Lebowski doesn’t play any role in the story, and only interacts with the other characters briefly once.

Not a movie, but the Sondheim musical “Into the Woods” has a narrator who appears onstage, sings a bit, and eventually gets killed.

Nuts. Too late to contribute “Into the Woods”. Would the narrator for Rock and Bullwinkle (the series, not the movie) count? He gets tied and gagged by Boris at one point so that he can’t warn the squirrel. When they finally rip the tape off of his mouth, his mustache comes with it. He talks with a limp for the rest of the episode.

Well, there’s the mice in Babe. Does that count?

The angels in It’s A Wonderful Life.
The Grandfather (Falk) and grandson (Savage) in The Princess Bride.

The Beast of Yucca Flats

Flag on the moon…how’d it get there?

There were two banjo-playin’ singers (Stubby Kaye and Nat King Cole) wandering through Cat Ballou, offering lyrical exposition.

The wizard in Conan the Barbarian? <In time, he wore the jeweled crown of Acquilonia upon a troubled brow…>

Merle Haggard in the Dukes of Hazzard? <“Bout this time the Duke boys were wonderin’ if they could fly…maybe grow some wings…”>

All I can think of off the top of my head…


Chorus in Henry V

The name comes from the already mentioned Greek Chorus. (scroll down a bit)

So, as you can see, it is a very old idea.

The three mice in Babe.

What about the band in the world’s funniest movie: “There’s Something About Mary.” (well, other than the very last scene where there was some interaction).

That was Waylon Jennings.

My bad.

I also didn’t mention ‘Mother Goose Rock ‘n’ Ryhme’ a 1990 tv movie w/ little richard and zz top and shelly duvall that I think had a chorus that sang ‘hop to it, don’t be late, hop to it, gotta make it today’, maybe just at the beginning. And the three zz top guys in the tub didn’t talk, so they weren’t narrators.

MOved to Cafe Society, where we discuss movies, the Arts, etc.

Rocky Horror, anyone? “I would like, if I may, to take you on a strange journey…”

Although a stage production was put on TV in '91 and has since been released on both VHS & DVD.

I should find a copy of that!